
Healthy Eating Ultimate Guide! Start Eating Healthy Without Being Miserable


So you want to start eating healthy…


We’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people like you transform into the best versions of themselves, and we focus on proper nutrition to do so. 

Plus, we use fun LEGO photos and gifs to keep you entertained.

We'll keep you reading with bad jokes and clever gifs while you learn about healthy eating.

In this Ultimate Guide, we’ll cover everything you need to start eating healthy today. These are the exact strategies we teach our <a hre…


So you want to start eating healthy…


We’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people like you transform into the best versions of themselves, and we focus on proper nutrition to do so. 

Plus, we use fun LEGO photos and gifs to keep you entertained.

We'll keep you reading with bad jokes and clever gifs while you learn about healthy eating.

In this Ultimate Guide, we’ll cover everything you need to start eating healthy today. These are the exact strategies we teach our <a hre…

How to detect brain health problems early: Examples in Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, anxiety and PTSD



Hoping you enjoy this slidedeck supporting a great discussion held during the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health (March 7–9th).  Full recordings are available for purchase here.

9–10.30am. How to detect problems early: Examples in Alzheimer’s Disease,…



Hoping you enjoy this slidedeck supporting a great discussion held during the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health (March 7–9th).  Full recordings are available for purchase here.

9–10.30am. How to detect problems early: Examples in Alzheimer’s Disease,…

Diminished Estradiol Explains Faster Muscle Loss Following Menopause


Both genders lose muscle mass and strength with age, leading to sarcopenia and frailty. Why do women undergo age-related muscle loss more rapidly following menopause, however? Researchers here suggest that the sex hormone estradiol is necessary to support the activity of muscle stem cells, and thus falling levels of estrogen following menopause is the mechanism driving this outcome. Loss of stem cell function in muscle tissue is also the most credible cause for the onset of sarcopenia without considering gender, so this all fits together quite nicely.


Both genders lose muscle mass and strength with age, leading to sarcopenia and frailty. Why do women undergo age-related muscle loss more rapidly following menopause, however? Researchers here suggest that the sex hormone estradiol is necessary to support the activity of muscle stem cells, and thus falling levels of estrogen following menopause is the mechanism driving this outcome. Loss of stem cell function in muscle tissue is also the most credible cause for the onset of sarcopenia without considering gender, so this all fits together quite nicely.

Externalized costs of Big Ag: The Wall Street Journal explains


High marks to the The Wall Street Journal for its story about the externalized costs of agricultural runoff into the Mississippi River.

The article is interactive.  Take a look.

It traces how agriculture pollutes 2300 miles of the Mississippi river from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. through a “”journey downriver [that] reveals how the agricultural industry is contributing to one of the nation’s biggest ecological disasters.”

Every summer, nutrients from the Mississippi pour into the Gulf, fueling algae blooms that starve the water of oxygen an…


High marks to the The Wall Street Journal for its story about the externalized costs of agricultural runoff into the Mississippi River.

The article is interactive.  Take a look.

It traces how agriculture pollutes 2300 miles of the Mississippi river from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. through a “”journey downriver [that] reveals how the agricultural industry is contributing to one of the nation’s biggest ecological disasters.”

Every summer, nutrients from the Mississippi pour into the Gulf, fueling algae blooms that starve the water of oxygen an…

Detoxifying Beet & Berry Smoothie (3 Ingredients!)


Detoxifying Beet & Berry Smoothie (3 Ingredients!)

Beets — you either love them or you hate them. But we’ve crafted just the recipe to turn almost anyone into a beet lover.

And it couldn’t be simpler! Made with just 1 blender, 3 ingredients, and 5 minutes, this smoothie is bright, fruity, and detoxifying. Let me show you how it’s done!

Raw beets are a nutritional powerhouse known for their ability to aid detoxification.

Detoxifying Beet & Berry Smoothie (3 In…


Detoxifying Beet & Berry Smoothie (3 Ingredients!)

Beets — you either love them or you hate them. But we’ve crafted just the recipe to turn almost anyone into a beet lover.

And it couldn’t be simpler! Made with just 1 blender, 3 ingredients, and 5 minutes, this smoothie is bright, fruity, and detoxifying. Let me show you how it’s done!

Raw beets are a nutritional powerhouse known for their ability to aid detoxification.

Detoxifying Beet & Berry Smoothie (3 In…

Genes Linked to Why Women Are More Prone to Alzheimer’s


by Mark Terry for Biospace: It is well-known that women are more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease than men, but exactly why hasn’t been clearly understood. Research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Los Angeles today describes……


by Mark Terry for Biospace: It is well-known that women are more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease than men, but exactly why hasn’t been clearly understood. Research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Los Angeles today describes……

Study Casts Doubt on Safety of Herbal Drug Kratom


Kratom, made from the leaves of a Southeast Asian plant, is usually used to treat pain and addiction. But poison control center data shows it has been tied to seizures, withdrawal, hallucinations, agitation and rapid heart rate, researchers report.


Kratom, made from the leaves of a Southeast Asian plant, is usually used to treat pain and addiction. But poison control center data shows it has been tied to seizures, withdrawal, hallucinations, agitation and rapid heart rate, researchers report.

ABC Financial Makes Multiple Management Moves


Paul Schaller has moved into the role of vice chairman of the board while Bill Davis adds CEO to his title and the management team has added six new people with the goal of expanding the capabilities of the company and growing its customers domestically and internationally….


Paul Schaller has moved into the role of vice chairman of the board while Bill Davis adds CEO to his title and the management team has added six new people with the goal of expanding the capabilities of the company and growing its customers domestically and internationally….

How to intervene early to address brain/ mental health problems: Examples in depression, epilepsy and smoking cessation


We hope you enjoy this slidedeck supporting a fascinating, forward-looking session held at the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health (March 7–9th).  Full recordings are available for purchase here.

10.45am-12.15pm. How to intervene early: Examples in depression, epileps…


We hope you enjoy this slidedeck supporting a fascinating, forward-looking session held at the 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit: The Future of Brain Health (March 7–9th).  Full recordings are available for purchase here.

10.45am-12.15pm. How to intervene early: Examples in depression, epileps…

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