How much EPA + DHA omega-3 do you need for a desirable Omega-3 Index score?


To achieve a desirable Omega-3 Index of 8%, Americans would need a combination of 4-5 fish servings per week plus an EPA+DHA supplement, says a new study. Data from two cross-sectional studies comparing EPA plus DHA and fish intakes with the Omega-3 Index found that, to achieve an Omega-3 Index of 8% (8-12% is considered

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To achieve a desirable Omega-3 Index of 8%, Americans would need a combination of 4-5 fish servings per week plus an EPA+DHA supplement, says a new study. Data from two cross-sectional studies comparing EPA plus DHA and fish intakes with the Omega-3 Index found that, to achieve an Omega-3 Index of 8% (8-12% is considered

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