New book highlights continued brain development throughout adolescence, even into our 20s


– Dr. Sarah-Jane Blakemore


Neuroscientist Probes Myths About the Teenage Brain (Education Week):

“We often think early childhood is this dramatic window of learning and development in the brain, and you’re highlighting adolescence as a different kind of window. Can you talk a little bit about that?
I was told when I was an undergraduate that the human brain pretty much stopped developing after mid-childhood. From [magnetic resonance imaging] of living brains, we’ve discovered tha…


– Dr. Sarah-Jane Blakemore


Neuroscientist Probes Myths About the Teenage Brain (Education Week):

“We often think early childhood is this dramatic window of learning and development in the brain, and you’re highlighting adolescence as a different kind of window. Can you talk a little bit about that?
I was told when I was an undergraduate that the human brain pretty much stopped developing after mid-childhood. From [magnetic resonance imaging] of living brains, we’ve discovered tha…

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