14 Causes of Bumps on Face and How to Treat Them

Source https://greatist.com/health/bumps-on-face

Are skin bumps bumming you out? We feel you. But before you head to the pharmacy or beauty bar, it’s a good idea to get to the bottom of your bumps.

Here are 14 possible reasons why you have bumps on your face:

  1. acne comedones and pimples
  2. allergic reactions
  3. blisters
  4. dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN)
  5. eczema
  6. infection
  7. ingrown hairs
  8. keratosis pilaris
  9. lipoma
  10. milia
  11. moles
  12. rosacea
  13. skin cancer
  14. skin tags

Keep reading for the deets on each, plus the best treatments for each concern.

Why do I have little bumps on my face?

There are all sorts of reasons why you might have b…

Source https://greatist.com/health/bumps-on-face

Are skin bumps bumming you out? We feel you. But before you head to the pharmacy or beauty bar, it’s a good idea to get to the bottom of your bumps.

Here are 14 possible reasons why you have bumps on your face:

  1. acne comedones and pimples
  2. allergic reactions
  3. blisters
  4. dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN)
  5. eczema
  6. infection
  7. ingrown hairs
  8. keratosis pilaris
  9. lipoma
  10. milia
  11. moles
  12. rosacea
  13. skin cancer
  14. skin tags

Keep reading for the deets on each, plus the best treatments for each concern.

Why do I have little bumps on my face?

There are all sorts of reasons why you might have b…

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