EP2 Knockdown in Macrophages Reduces Inflammation and Restores Cognitive Function in an Alzheimer's Mouse Model

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2021/01/ep2-knockdown-in-macrophages-reduces-inflammation-and-restores-cognitive-function-in-an-alzheimers-mouse-model/

Chronic inflammation is clearly very important in the progression of numerous neurodegenerative conditions, Alzheimer’s disease included. Inflammatory signaling, when unrelenting, disrupts cell and tissue function in many tissue types. In recent years, the elimination of lingering senescent cells has been shown in animal studies to reduce inflammation and reverse many of the issues it causes in the aged body. Researchers here take a different approach to suppressing chronic inflammation, sabotaging the ability of macrophage cells to contribute to the inflammatory environment. This has the effect of reversing some of the cogn…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2021/01/ep2-knockdown-in-macrophages-reduces-inflammation-and-restores-cognitive-function-in-an-alzheimers-mouse-model/

Chronic inflammation is clearly very important in the progression of numerous neurodegenerative conditions, Alzheimer’s disease included. Inflammatory signaling, when unrelenting, disrupts cell and tissue function in many tissue types. In recent years, the elimination of lingering senescent cells has been shown in animal studies to reduce inflammation and reverse many of the issues it causes in the aged body. Researchers here take a different approach to suppressing chronic inflammation, sabotaging the ability of macrophage cells to contribute to the inflammatory environment. This has the effect of reversing some of the cogn…

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