
Source http://refineryfitnesspdx.com/fermentation/


Food fermentation is an ancient process in which food is exposed to bacteria and yeast for preservation and flavor enhancement.  “It is a process whereby microbes turn the stuff of one generation of plants and animals into food for the next generation of plants and animals (Cox, 1).”  Beneficial microorganisms eat the natural carbohydrates, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide.  Fermentation is generally considered a positive  occurrence.  Science of fermentation is called zymurgy.  Examples of fermented food include chocolate, kefir, yogurt, kvass, kombucha, sauerkraut, wine, beer, kimchee, miso, tempeh,  sour dough bread and many others.

Fermented foods are rich in enzymes the body needs to breakdown food.  These enzymes make it easier for the body to digest food.  Because fermented foods are already partially broken down, it is easier for the body to extract all the vitamins and minerals from the ferment.  Fermentation decreases the anti-nutrients in grains and breaks down lactose in dairy products, increasing their digestibility.   They are also high in B vitamins and full of probiotics. Fermented  vegetables show an increase in vitamin A and C. Fermented foods are powerful chelators, drawing toxins and metals from the body…

Source http://refineryfitnesspdx.com/fermentation/


Food fermentation is an ancient process in which food is exposed to bacteria and yeast for preservation and flavor enhancement.  “It is a process whereby microbes turn the stuff of one generation of plants and animals into food for the next generation of plants and animals (Cox, 1).”  Beneficial microorganisms eat the natural carbohydrates, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide.  Fermentation is generally considered a positive  occurrence.  Science of fermentation is called zymurgy.  Examples of fermented food include chocolate, kefir, yogurt, kvass, kombucha, sauerkraut, wine, beer, kimchee, miso, tempeh,  sour dough bread and many others.

Fermented foods are rich in enzymes the body needs to breakdown food.  These enzymes make it easier for the body to digest food.  Because fermented foods are already partially broken down, it is easier for the body to extract all the vitamins and minerals from the ferment.  Fermentation decreases the anti-nutrients in grains and breaks down lactose in dairy products, increasing their digestibility.   They are also high in B vitamins and full of probiotics. Fermented  vegetables show an increase in vitamin A and C. Fermented foods are powerful chelators, drawing toxins and metals from the body…

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