Healthcare vs. Sickcare: 5 Things You Can Do Today To Stay Healthy

Healthcare vs. Sickcare: What can you do starting today to keep out of the sickcare system as long as possible.

Healthcare vs. Sickcare

We do not live in a country with a healthcare system. It is a “sick-care” system. We go to the doctor when we are sick. We take a pill when we don’t feel well. We go to the hospital when we are injured.

Of course we want to have the best system possible when we need it. Everyone deserves that.

But think if you could keep yourself out of the “sick-care” system!

You are in control!

Here’s the best news of all. You are in control. You can make changes to your life right now, starting today, that will have a significant impact on your future health. Challenge yourself to make just one small change and you will be amazed at the results.

The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention - Kahlil Gabran

So what can you do?

  1. Get up earlier. Use your time more wisely. Get up 30 minutes earlier every day. And use it productively. Limit your screen time during the day (and especially at night).
  2. Meditate. Mindfulness meditation can be a powerful habit to add to your life. It can lower stress, improve focus, and much more. I know it has worked for me and it can for you too.
  3. Eat smarter. Make sure that what you put in your body is something it needs and deserves. This may mean eating less; but by selecting the right diet you will be adding years to your healthspan. Good nutrition can also include supplements – natural ones – that have been proven to help people. Do you really need that next bowl of ice cream before bedtime?
  4. Lose weight. This is important for many of us – but maybe not all. For me losing 40 pounds was an incredible boost to my everyday well-being and for my physical health.
  5. Get plenty of sleep. Okay if you are getting up earlier this means that you will be going to bed earlier, right? So much research shows that sleep is critical to our immediate and long-term health.

This is just a start. I can keep going.

Make the decision to get healthier

But the most important thing is for you to make the decision today, right now, that you will be making a conscious decision to make your life more healthy.

No one else can do this for you. You can enlist the help of people in your life to support your goal of getting and staying healthy for as long as possible. But it is all on you. And that is a good thing.

Consider a “reset” on your health

Check out our video on why you might consider “resetting” your health.

A reset is just what it sounds like – taking the time to change up your system to start living healthier. A good way is to start is with a “cleanse”.

What is a cleanse anyway? Basically, it is taking some time away from your current diet and giving your system a chance to “reset”. The typical format is to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables for a few days. Is it easy? Probably not. Is it worth it? Probably so.

Learn More: Check out our video!

Sound like something you are up for?

Contact me for more information.

It is never too early or late in life to make a difference in your health. One of my favorite sayings is:

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is right now.”

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