High Mobility Group Proteins in Cellular Senescence

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/11/high-mobility-group-proteins-in-cellular-senescence/

Senescent cells accumulate with age and cause harm via their inflammatory signaling, contributing to the chronic inflammation of aging that is disruptive to tissue structure and function throughout the body. One faction of the research and development community wants to selectively destroy senescent cells via the use of a wide variety of senolytic therapies presently under development. Another faction wants to instead find ways to suppress the inflammatory signaling of these cells. Here find an example of this second area of research, a search for targets…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2024/11/high-mobility-group-proteins-in-cellular-senescence/

Senescent cells accumulate with age and cause harm via their inflammatory signaling, contributing to the chronic inflammation of aging that is disruptive to tissue structure and function throughout the body. One faction of the research and development community wants to selectively destroy senescent cells via the use of a wide variety of senolytic therapies presently under development. Another faction wants to instead find ways to suppress the inflammatory signaling of these cells. Here find an example of this second area of research, a search for targets…

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