In Search of Ways to Selectively Inhibit Tumor Infiltrating Regulatory T Cells


Cancers evolve to co-opt aspects of the immune system in order to suppress the immune response to cancerous cells. All tumor tissues make use of a variety of such mechanisms. In principle, sabotaging the immune suppression produced by tumor tissue should be a basis for both novel effective cancer therapies and enhancement of existing immunotherapies for cancer. Here is an example of early stage research in this part of the field, in which researchers identify mechanisms operating in regulatory T cells in tumor tissue. The metabolism of tumor resident regulatory T cells may be sufficiently distinctive to build approaches to treatment that can inhibit regulatory T cell function to harm the tumor without also harming necessary immune function elsewhere in the body.

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Cancers evolve to co-opt aspects of the immune system in order to suppress the immune response to cancerous cells. All tumor tissues make use of a variety of such mechanisms. In principle, sabotaging the immune suppression produced by tumor tissue should be a basis for both novel effective cancer therapies and enhancement of existing immunotherapies for cancer. Here is an example of early stage research in this part of the field, in which researchers identify mechanisms operating in regulatory T cells in tumor tissue. The metabolism of tumor resident regulatory T cells may be sufficiently distinctive to build approaches to treatment that can inhibit regulatory T cell function to harm the tumor without also harming necessary immune function elsewhere in the body.

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