Just the Facts, Please: Do Birth Control Implants Make You Gain Weight?

Source https://greatist.com/health/birth-control-implants-weight-gain

The birth control implant, which is known by the brand name Nexplanon, is a long-term birth control method that’s more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It’s a tiny plastic rod that’s placed just under the skin on the inside of your upper arm.  

It prevents pregnancy by releasing a continuous low dose of a progestin hormone called etonogestrel. Progestin is a form of the hormone progesterone, which plays a role in your menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

This release of etonogestrel helps prevent pregnancy by thickening mucus in your cervix, thinning the lining of your uterus, and stopping the release of eggs from your ovaries. 

While the birth control implant is safe, effective, and super convenient (cheers to not needing to remember to take a pill every day!), some people may experience side eff…

Source https://greatist.com/health/birth-control-implants-weight-gain

The birth control implant, which is known by the brand name Nexplanon, is a long-term birth control method that’s more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It’s a tiny plastic rod that’s placed just under the skin on the inside of your upper arm.  

It prevents pregnancy by releasing a continuous low dose of a progestin hormone called etonogestrel. Progestin is a form of the hormone progesterone, which plays a role in your menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

This release of etonogestrel helps prevent pregnancy by thickening mucus in your cervix, thinning the lining of your uterus, and stopping the release of eggs from your ovaries. 

While the birth control implant is safe, effective, and super convenient (cheers to not needing to remember to take a pill every day!), some people may experience side eff…

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