Microtubule Function and Longevity in Nematodes

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/09/microtubule-function-and-longevity-in-nematodes/

Researchers here report on genetic manipulations that alter the function of microtubules in the cells of nematode worms and thereby cause increased longevity. Microtubules help to support cell structure, and act as pathways to allow movement of structures and molecules around the cell. The effect on longevity appear to be mediated via improved or altered function of neurons, leading to alterations in metabolism of a sort already known to influence life span in this species. The degree to which this is relevant to aging in higher organisms remains to be established, but as a general rule one should expect ever smaller effect sizes for this sort of thing as one moves to test in larger and longer-lived species. Short-lived species have lifespans that are very plastic in response to metabolic stress and environmental change, wh…

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/09/microtubule-function-and-longevity-in-nematodes/

Researchers here report on genetic manipulations that alter the function of microtubules in the cells of nematode worms and thereby cause increased longevity. Microtubules help to support cell structure, and act as pathways to allow movement of structures and molecules around the cell. The effect on longevity appear to be mediated via improved or altered function of neurons, leading to alterations in metabolism of a sort already known to influence life span in this species. The degree to which this is relevant to aging in higher organisms remains to be established, but as a general rule one should expect ever smaller effect sizes for this sort of thing as one moves to test in larger and longer-lived species. Short-lived species have lifespans that are very plastic in response to metabolic stress and environmental change, wh…

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