Podcast 340 | Grounding

Source https://www.theminimalists.com/p340/

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists are joined by earthing expert Clint Ober to discuss pain reduction, the science behind grounding, and “the most important health discovery ever,” and they answer the following questions:

  • What is the science behind grounding, and how do I explain it to loved ones who perceive it as metaphysical woo-woo?
  • How can grounding relieve much of our discomfort?
  • What are the most significant benefits of grounding, and what individuals would realize the most benefit from it?
  • What grounding tips do you have for individuals that use wheelchairs?
  • How did Clint come to recognize the personal benefits of grounding?
  • What are the best methods for grounding?
  • What is your perception regarding inflammation?
  • If grounding is so healthy, why does the pr…

Source https://www.theminimalists.com/p340/

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists are joined by earthing expert Clint Ober to discuss pain reduction, the science behind grounding, and “the most important health discovery ever,” and they answer the following questions:

  • What is the science behind grounding, and how do I explain it to loved ones who perceive it as metaphysical woo-woo?
  • How can grounding relieve much of our discomfort?
  • What are the most significant benefits of grounding, and what individuals would realize the most benefit from it?
  • What grounding tips do you have for individuals that use wheelchairs?
  • How did Clint come to recognize the personal benefits of grounding?
  • What are the best methods for grounding?
  • What is your perception regarding inflammation?
  • If grounding is so healthy, why does the pr…

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