Seeing the Gift


By Leo Babauta

There are a number of common blockers for creating powerful change in your life:

  • Feeling that the effort is pointless
  • Resisting the effort
  • Frustration with yourself or others
  • Disliking the activity
  • Feeling an urge / compulsion to do the old habit

Each of these can derail your efforts to create something new. And to be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of these — they’re wonderfully human traits. But to create powerful change, we have to learn to work with them.

Today I’d like to introduce a magical tool that I call Seeing the Gift.

If you deploy Seeing the Gift, you can work with any of the above deterrents. Let’s take a look.

What’s ‘Seeing the Gift’?

In any activity, in any person, you can find a gift. Sometimes it’s obvious — the person in front of you is kind and gener…


By Leo Babauta

There are a number of common blockers for creating powerful change in your life:

  • Feeling that the effort is pointless
  • Resisting the effort
  • Frustration with yourself or others
  • Disliking the activity
  • Feeling an urge / compulsion to do the old habit

Each of these can derail your efforts to create something new. And to be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of these — they’re wonderfully human traits. But to create powerful change, we have to learn to work with them.

Today I’d like to introduce a magical tool that I call Seeing the Gift.

If you deploy Seeing the Gift, you can work with any of the above deterrents. Let’s take a look.

What’s ‘Seeing the Gift’?

In any activity, in any person, you can find a gift. Sometimes it’s obvious — the person in front of you is kind and gener…

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