Stress and Crohn’s Disease: 6 Techniques to Avoid Flare-Ups


Stress is an expected, if not always pleasant, part of life. On top of annoyances like work headaches and family squabbles, a chronic disease like Crohn’s can really amp up daily stress levels even more. Now you also have to worry, “Will I make it to the bathroom in time?” and “Will everyone know I have IBD?”

The Crohn’s-stress connection goes both ways.

Stress doesn’t cause Crohn’s, but it does make your body release inflammatory chemicals that can irritate your gut and rev up your disease.

Then suddenly you’re in the throes of a flare and having to deal with symptoms like constant diarrhea, cramps, and malnutrition, which can stress you out even more.

Stress messes with Crohn’s control in a few ways:

  • It changes the way digested food moves through your in…


Stress is an expected, if not always pleasant, part of life. On top of annoyances like work headaches and family squabbles, a chronic disease like Crohn’s can really amp up daily stress levels even more. Now you also have to worry, “Will I make it to the bathroom in time?” and “Will everyone know I have IBD?”

The Crohn’s-stress connection goes both ways.

Stress doesn’t cause Crohn’s, but it does make your body release inflammatory chemicals that can irritate your gut and rev up your disease.

Then suddenly you’re in the throes of a flare and having to deal with symptoms like constant diarrhea, cramps, and malnutrition, which can stress you out even more.

Stress messes with Crohn’s control in a few ways:

  • It changes the way digested food moves through your in…

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