Unrushed: How to Feel More Spaciousness in Your Day, Instead of Time Scarcity

Source https://zenhabits.net/unrushed/

By Leo Babauta

Most people experience their day as busy, overwhelming, scattered, rushed. There isn’t enough time to do everything. There’s pressure and stress in this way of living.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with experiencing life in this way. As I said, most people do it.

But if you’d like a sense of spaciousness, let’s talk.

Let’s talk about how we create the sense of not enough time, and how we might create spaciousness.

How We Create Time Scarcity

The first thing we do is to try to stuff a thousand things into the space of 24 hours. Lots and lots of little things, and often quite a few big things.

When we try to squish a bunch of things into a container, of course it will feel overfull. So then the question is: what fear is driving us to try to do everything in one day?

The day is actually quite spacious, if we don’t…

Source https://zenhabits.net/unrushed/

By Leo Babauta

Most people experience their day as busy, overwhelming, scattered, rushed. There isn’t enough time to do everything. There’s pressure and stress in this way of living.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with experiencing life in this way. As I said, most people do it.

But if you’d like a sense of spaciousness, let’s talk.

Let’s talk about how we create the sense of not enough time, and how we might create spaciousness.

How We Create Time Scarcity

The first thing we do is to try to stuff a thousand things into the space of 24 hours. Lots and lots of little things, and often quite a few big things.

When we try to squish a bunch of things into a container, of course it will feel overfull. So then the question is: what fear is driving us to try to do everything in one day?

The day is actually quite spacious, if we don’t…

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