UV Radiation and Cross-Linking Contribute to Elastosis in Aged Skin

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/01/uv-radiation-and-cross-linking-contribute-to-elastosis-in-aged-skin/

The elasticity of skin emerges from the structural properties of the extracellular matrix maintained by skin cells, the fine details of the structure of elastin and collagen that become disrupted with age. Two of the more important contributions to skin aging are, separately, exposure to UV radiation and the formation of persistent cross-links. Cross-links emerge from advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), sugary metabolic waste that can persistently link molecules in the extracellular matrix, changing the properties of tissue.

Removing persistent cross-links …

Source https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2022/01/uv-radiation-and-cross-linking-contribute-to-elastosis-in-aged-skin/

The elasticity of skin emerges from the structural properties of the extracellular matrix maintained by skin cells, the fine details of the structure of elastin and collagen that become disrupted with age. Two of the more important contributions to skin aging are, separately, exposure to UV radiation and the formation of persistent cross-links. Cross-links emerge from advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), sugary metabolic waste that can persistently link molecules in the extracellular matrix, changing the properties of tissue.

Removing persistent cross-links …

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