
Older Adults Lacking Shingles, Flu Vaccinations – AARP


2 days ago … AARP previously reported on the many different vaccinations and what they
protect against, who needs them, how often you should get them ……


2 days ago … AARP previously reported on the many different vaccinations and what they
protect against, who needs them, how often you should get them ……

Women's Heart Attack Symptoms Often Ignored – AARP


1 day ago … Research from the American College of Cardiology suggests that women heart
attack symptoms go ignored, due to lack of understanding about ……


1 day ago … Research from the American College of Cardiology suggests that women heart
attack symptoms go ignored, due to lack of understanding about ……

Brain News You Can Use | June 2017


Our Top Picks That Caught Our Eye Recently:

56-Year-Old Father of 5 Copes with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s by Helping Others | Brian Kursonis was working as a financial analyst managing 401ks in Charlotte, North Carolina, last year when things started to seem fuzzy. He was at his desk reviewing spreadsheets when he thought maybe he’d fallen asleep. | (Source: People Magazine | Author: Michelle Boudin). 

Are Friends Better For Us Than Family | The power of friendship gets stronger wi…


Our Top Picks That Caught Our Eye Recently:

56-Year-Old Father of 5 Copes with Early-Onset Alzheimer’s by Helping Others | Brian Kursonis was working as a financial analyst managing 401ks in Charlotte, North Carolina, last year when things started to seem fuzzy. He was at his desk reviewing spreadsheets when he thought maybe he’d fallen asleep. | (Source: People Magazine | Author: Michelle Boudin). 

Are Friends Better For Us Than Family | The power of friendship gets stronger wi…

Keep Medical Information On Your Smartphone – AARP


1 day ago … Make sure you keep important medical information on your smartphone or in an
app. Medical personnel can access that information in an ……


1 day ago … Make sure you keep important medical information on your smartphone or in an
app. Medical personnel can access that information in an ……

Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods: a roundup


I’ve been asked to comment on Amazon’s proposal to buy Whole Foods.  So much has been written about it that it’s hard to add anything new.

My immediate thoughts:

The facts: Amazon offered $13.7 billion to buy Whole Foods.  This may seem like a lot of money but it’s just 3% of Amazon’s $470 billion holdings.

How did this happen?

What are the implications?

Effect on retailers: Their stocks dropped immediately.  Amazon is serious compet…


I’ve been asked to comment on Amazon’s proposal to buy Whole Foods.  So much has been written about it that it’s hard to add anything new.

My immediate thoughts:

The facts: Amazon offered $13.7 billion to buy Whole Foods.  This may seem like a lot of money but it’s just 3% of Amazon’s $470 billion holdings.

How did this happen?

What are the implications?

Effect on retailers: Their stocks dropped immediately.  Amazon is serious compet…

7 Important Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally


The overlap between the LGBTQ+ community and people who struggle with mental health is alarmingly large. LGBTQ+ people are almost three times more likely than others to deal with depression or anxiety, and on top of that, they’re at a much higher risk for suicide. It’s not crazy to assume that some of this comes from prejudice, stigma, and a lack of support from the people around them. So what do we do about it? First things first: Learn to be better allies.

Being an ally of a marginalized community will never be as difficult as being part of the community itself, but it does come with its own set of challenges. How do you empathize with your trans friend, for example, if you can’t even begin to relate to what they’re going through? That’s what we wanted to find out, so we asked seven experts about the one thing they wish more people knew about supporting LGBTQ+ friends and family.

1. Remember they're human.

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The overlap between the LGBTQ+ community and people who struggle with mental health is alarmingly large. LGBTQ+ people are almost three times more likely than others to deal with depression or anxiety, and on top of that, they’re at a much higher risk for suicide. It’s not crazy to assume that some of this comes from prejudice, stigma, and a lack of support from the people around them. So what do we do about it? First things first: Learn to be better allies.

Being an ally of a marginalized community will never be as difficult as being part of the community itself, but it does come with its own set of challenges. How do you empathize with your trans friend, for example, if you can’t even begin to relate to what they’re going through? That’s what we wanted to find out, so we asked seven experts about the one thing they wish more people knew about supporting LGBTQ+ friends and family.

1. Remember they're human.

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Healthy Eating, Portion Control Tips for Summer Picnics – AARP


3 days ago … Enjoy the summer without adding extra pounds, by following these healthy eating
tips to help you with portion control for your favorite summer ……


3 days ago … Enjoy the summer without adding extra pounds, by following these healthy eating
tips to help you with portion control for your favorite summer ……

Link between Alzheimer’s and bedsores


by Israel 21C: Dr. Efraim Jaul, director of geriatric skilled nursing at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, noticed that many patients with dementia — and especially those with Alzheimer’s disease — seemed more prone to developing pressure ulcers (bedsores). It occurred……


by Israel 21C: Dr. Efraim Jaul, director of geriatric skilled nursing at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, noticed that many patients with dementia — and especially those with Alzheimer’s disease — seemed more prone to developing pressure ulcers (bedsores). It occurred……

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