
Fight Aging! Newsletter, November 1st 2021


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Wanted: A Non-Profit to Run as Many Low-Cost Trials of Promising Treatments for Aging as Possible


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Wanted: A Non-Profit to Run as Many Low-Cost Trials of Promising Treatments for Aging as Possible

Here’s the Tea on the Benefits of Earl Grey Tea


Hello, is it tea you’re looking for?

If so, you’re not alone. Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and Earl Grey is no exception. It’s skillfully blended with oils from the rind of the bergamot orange, which imparts a uniquely fragrant and citrusy flavor.

Tea lovers swear by this quintessentially British drink and champion its many health benefits, like improved heart health, digestion, and stress relief. But does it really cut the mustard, or is it just a teas?

Let’s find out as we explore the science-backed benefits of Earl Grey tea.

The benefits of Earl Grey tea: In short

  • may support heart health
  • may lower cholesterol
  • may boost digestive health
  • may lower blood sugar
  • may boost general health

<h2 id="benefits-breakdown" data-toc-label="Benefits breakdown" class="wp-blo…


Hello, is it tea you’re looking for?

If so, you’re not alone. Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and Earl Grey is no exception. It’s skillfully blended with oils from the rind of the bergamot orange, which imparts a uniquely fragrant and citrusy flavor.

Tea lovers swear by this quintessentially British drink and champion its many health benefits, like improved heart health, digestion, and stress relief. But does it really cut the mustard, or is it just a teas?

Let’s find out as we explore the science-backed benefits of Earl Grey tea.

The benefits of Earl Grey tea: In short

  • may support heart health
  • may lower cholesterol
  • may boost digestive health
  • may lower blood sugar
  • may boost general health

<h2 id="benefits-breakdown" data-toc-label="Benefits breakdown" class="wp-blo…

Podcast 311 | Wisdom


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan are joined by Ryan’s wife, Mariah, on the occasion of his 40th birthday, and they talk about the wisdo…


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan are joined by Ryan’s wife, Mariah, on the occasion of his 40th birthday, and they talk about the wisdo…

8 Ways All-in-One Fitness Studio Management Software Will Save You Time


8 Ways All-in-One Fitness Studio Management Software Will Save You Time
Wed, 09/15/2021 – 14:14


8 Ways All-in-One Fitness Studio Management Software Will Save You Time
Wed, 09/15/2021 – 14:14

Tackling Hard Tasks


By Leo Babauta

Generally we avoid hard tasks, putting them off while we either do easier tasks or distract ourselves. This is understandable, as a hard task might feel daunting or overwhelming, but spending our hours on urgent but easy tasks vs. difficult but important tasks is generally a costly choice.

So let’s talk for a minute about hard tasks. If we can focus on them and get them done, we can have a greater impact in a fraction the time.​​​​

The reason we tend to avoid hard tasks is usually because they are daunting — filled with uncertainty and filled with lots of sub-tasks to the point of being overwhelming. We also fear failing at them.

So what I’ve found to help are things people know but often dismiss:

  1. Do a small bit of the bigger task. People dismiss this but underestimate how powerful it can be. Have a big report to do? Just …


By Leo Babauta

Generally we avoid hard tasks, putting them off while we either do easier tasks or distract ourselves. This is understandable, as a hard task might feel daunting or overwhelming, but spending our hours on urgent but easy tasks vs. difficult but important tasks is generally a costly choice.

So let’s talk for a minute about hard tasks. If we can focus on them and get them done, we can have a greater impact in a fraction the time.​​​​

The reason we tend to avoid hard tasks is usually because they are daunting — filled with uncertainty and filled with lots of sub-tasks to the point of being overwhelming. We also fear failing at them.

So what I’ve found to help are things people know but often dismiss:

  1. Do a small bit of the bigger task. People dismiss this but underestimate how powerful it can be. Have a big report to do? Just …

Fat Cells in Cognitive Decline and Neurodegeneration


Excess visceral fat produces systemic dysfunction throughout the body through many different mechanisms. The most evident is an increase in chronic inflammation, disruptive of health and tissue function. This can occur through a greater burden of senescent cells, through signaling from fat cells that mimics that of infected cells, the presence of debris from dying fat cells, and …


Excess visceral fat produces systemic dysfunction throughout the body through many different mechanisms. The most evident is an increase in chronic inflammation, disruptive of health and tissue function. This can occur through a greater burden of senescent cells, through signaling from fat cells that mimics that of infected cells, the presence of debris from dying fat cells, and …

Why I Felt Broken and Unworthy of Love and What Changed Everything


“How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” ~Paulo Coelho

He used to tell me no one else would love me because I’m damaged goods.

And I believed him.

Because I received messages for most of my life that there was something wrong with me.

I wasn’t good enough. Too sensitive. Too weak. Too sickly. Too different.

I realize now those messages were passed on to me by concerned parents who saw in me parts of themselves they didn’t fully accept.

And those messages were from parents whose own parents had used criticism as a way to motivate them to do better. They didn’t know another way. They were just trying to help me succeed.

But my little HSP soul took it to heart. I took it l…


“How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” ~Paulo Coelho

He used to tell me no one else would love me because I’m damaged goods.

And I believed him.

Because I received messages for most of my life that there was something wrong with me.

I wasn’t good enough. Too sensitive. Too weak. Too sickly. Too different.

I realize now those messages were passed on to me by concerned parents who saw in me parts of themselves they didn’t fully accept.

And those messages were from parents whose own parents had used criticism as a way to motivate them to do better. They didn’t know another way. They were just trying to help me succeed.

But my little HSP soul took it to heart. I took it l…

MicroRNA-181b in Age-Related Arterial Stiffness


Today’s open access paper is a discussion of microRNA regulation of cell behavior in the context of age-related arterial stiffness. The stiffening of blood vessels with age is an important issue, as it produces hypertension via disruption of the feedback mechanisms that control blood pressure. The raised blood pressure of hypertension causes structural damage throughout the body, increasing mortality and accelerating progression of age-related disease.

Every distinct form of organ or tissue dysfunction in aging is made of up many layers. At the base are fundamental causes, forms of damage that ari…


Today’s open access paper is a discussion of microRNA regulation of cell behavior in the context of age-related arterial stiffness. The stiffening of blood vessels with age is an important issue, as it produces hypertension via disruption of the feedback mechanisms that control blood pressure. The raised blood pressure of hypertension causes structural damage throughout the body, increasing mortality and accelerating progression of age-related disease.

Every distinct form of organ or tissue dysfunction in aging is made of up many layers. At the base are fundamental causes, forms of damage that ari…

Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad with Apples and Dates


Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad with Apples and Dates

Prepare your tastebuds, friends! While crafting this season’s collection of holiday sides (there’s good stuff coming), we realized we wanted a quick, fresh, and versatile salad featuring fall ingredients. Enter: this Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad (with kale, apples, and dates — oh my!).

Not only is this salad a delicious combination of savory, sweet, crunchy, and tart, but it comes together with just 1…


Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad with Apples and Dates

Prepare your tastebuds, friends! While crafting this season’s collection of holiday sides (there’s good stuff coming), we realized we wanted a quick, fresh, and versatile salad featuring fall ingredients. Enter: this Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad (with kale, apples, and dates — oh my!).

Not only is this salad a delicious combination of savory, sweet, crunchy, and tart, but it comes together with just 1…

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