
R01 teams and grantee age trends in grant funding


The average age of first-time R01 funded investigators who have PhDs remains 42 even after seven years of policies at NIH to increase the numbers of new and early-stage investigators.  And, over the same interval, age has continued to increase for first-time R01-funded MDs and MD-PhDs, despite the policies we have in place. What is going on?…


The average age of first-time R01 funded investigators who have PhDs remains 42 even after seven years of policies at NIH to increase the numbers of new and early-stage investigators.  And, over the same interval, age has continued to increase for first-time R01-funded MDs and MD-PhDs, despite the policies we have in place. What is going on?…

Worsening Depression Linked to Greater Risk Of Developing Dementia


by BBC News: Symptoms of depression that steadily increase over time in older age could indicate early signs of dementia, scientists have said. Other patterns of symptoms, such as chronic depression, appear not to be linked, a study found. Dutch……


by BBC News: Symptoms of depression that steadily increase over time in older age could indicate early signs of dementia, scientists have said. Other patterns of symptoms, such as chronic depression, appear not to be linked, a study found. Dutch……

Child Development – Fostering Self-Actualization at a Young Age


Finding out who we are meant to be can be a difficult task and most won’t take the time and energy involved in the journey. Perhaps, not that they won’t, more often than not they can’t.

Many people struggle daily with meeting other more base needs, rendering them unable to direct their energy towards higher, more fulfilling needs. In no way am I a self-actualized person, in Rogerian terms I am self-actualizing, that is, I am tending towards my real self and this is necessary for proper and healthy development, and should start no later than once the child is born.

Abraham Maslow identified the hierarchy of needs, in which he proclaims that humans have five levels of need, each of varying significance. At the bottom of the h…


Finding out who we are meant to be can be a difficult task and most won’t take the time and energy involved in the journey. Perhaps, not that they won’t, more often than not they can’t.

Many people struggle daily with meeting other more base needs, rendering them unable to direct their energy towards higher, more fulfilling needs. In no way am I a self-actualized person, in Rogerian terms I am self-actualizing, that is, I am tending towards my real self and this is necessary for proper and healthy development, and should start no later than once the child is born.

Abraham Maslow identified the hierarchy of needs, in which he proclaims that humans have five levels of need, each of varying significance. At the bottom of the h…

Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia



Purpose: To test a model of palliative care consultation for hospitalized patients with advanced dementia and their family caregivers.



Purpose: To test a model of palliative care consultation for hospitalized patients with advanced dementia and their family caregivers.



by Julia Hogan, LPC for Verily: It was recently reported that the life expectancy for white American women has declined from 81.2 years to 81.1 years. While that may seem like a statistical blip, researchers say the source behind the drop……


by Julia Hogan, LPC for Verily: It was recently reported that the life expectancy for white American women has declined from 81.2 years to 81.1 years. While that may seem like a statistical blip, researchers say the source behind the drop……

Complete rest until symptom-free after concussion may not be best for recovery


Rest has long been the cornerstone of concussion treatment. For sports-related head injuries, for example, current guidelines say children should avoid returning to play — and all other physical activity — until all concussion symptoms such as headaches are gone. New research however, suggests those who exercise within a week of injury, regardless of symptoms,

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Rest has long been the cornerstone of concussion treatment. For sports-related head injuries, for example, current guidelines say children should avoid returning to play — and all other physical activity — until all concussion symptoms such as headaches are gone. New research however, suggests those who exercise within a week of injury, regardless of symptoms,

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Our not-yet-quite-final funding policy for fiscal year 2015


We posted an update to our funding policy on Friday. The sobering news is that for most areas of research within NIA’s mission the payline will be at the 8th percentile, with 5th percentile for applications requesting $500,000 and over, and 12th and 14th percentiles, respectively, for new and early stage investigator R01s. So, though we have raised it a little from our interim payline, this funding line has fallen a lot from where we held it in the four prior years….


We posted an update to our funding policy on Friday. The sobering news is that for most areas of research within NIA’s mission the payline will be at the 8th percentile, with 5th percentile for applications requesting $500,000 and over, and 12th and 14th percentiles, respectively, for new and early stage investigator R01s. So, though we have raised it a little from our interim payline, this funding line has fallen a lot from where we held it in the four prior years….

[infographic] 25 essential apps for a healthy body and mind


We all carry our phones around with us 24/7. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sitting in your pocket are thousands of ways you can tap into your mental or physical health with, well, a tap! There are heaps of great apps out there that you can use for everything from counting your daily steps, to practicing mindfulness, […]

The post [infographic] 25 essential apps for a healthy body and mind appeared first on Your Brain Health.


We all carry our phones around with us 24/7. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sitting in your pocket are thousands of ways you can tap into your mental or physical health with, well, a tap! There are heaps of great apps out there that you can use for everything from counting your daily steps, to practicing mindfulness, […]

The post [infographic] 25 essential apps for a healthy body and mind appeared first on Your Brain Health.

Find NIA at AGS!


We’re excited about participating in the upcoming annual meeting of the American Geriatrics Society May 14–17 at National Harbor, just outside of Washington, DC. And, we’re hoping to see many of you at the sessions featuring NIA staff, who will be talking about research funded and conducted by NIA, as well as funding opportunities and applying for grants. Please add these sessions to your schedule in the conference app. Or, print this out to bring with to you the meeting….


We’re excited about participating in the upcoming annual meeting of the American Geriatrics Society May 14–17 at National Harbor, just outside of Washington, DC. And, we’re hoping to see many of you at the sessions featuring NIA staff, who will be talking about research funded and conducted by NIA, as well as funding opportunities and applying for grants. Please add these sessions to your schedule in the conference app. Or, print this out to bring with to you the meeting….

What can the Pepper Centers do for you?


Pepper Centers—a chain of spice shops?! Maybe. But at NIA, when we talk about Pepper Centers, we mean our prized centers of excellence in geriatrics research. They support biomedical research leading to maintenance of functional independence into older age….


Pepper Centers—a chain of spice shops?! Maybe. But at NIA, when we talk about Pepper Centers, we mean our prized centers of excellence in geriatrics research. They support biomedical research leading to maintenance of functional independence into older age….

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