

Why would you consider taking the time to “reset” your health?

Why would you consider taking the time to “reset” your health?

Nutrition is a key building block to a healthy life.

Maybe you feel fine. Feel good. Maybe even great! Good to hear. Everyone deserves that.

Join our upcoming next Cleanse Class with Coaching!

How important is our health? It might be the single most valuable thing we have. And the one thing that we have control over. Family, friends, security – they are also extremely important, but you cannot enjoy them unless you are in good health, right?

But for many of us we know we could:

  • Feel healthier
  • More energized
  • More focused
  • And be ready for anything!

What is a “reset” anyhow?

A reset is just what it sounds like – taking the time to change up your system to start living healthier. A good way is to start is with a “cleanse”.

What is a “cleanse” anyway?

Funny true story: I was asking my doctor about her advice on cleanses. She immediately thought of a colon cleanse. Yikes! So I had to explain in a bit more detail.

Basically, it is taking some time away from your current diet and giving your system a chance to “reset”. The typical format is to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables for a few days. Is it easy? Probably not. Is it worth it? Probably so.

With our busy schedules this can be a difficult thing to do. But giving yourself a chance to improve your health is probably worth the effort, right?

But a “cleanse” is only the first step. It can be the change you need to start eating a healthier diet.

Maybe you want to lose some weight. Have more energy. Improve your focus. You will want to use this opportunity to get on the right track with your health!

And let’s face it, if you just go back to fast food after the “cleanse”, you are going to be missing out on the chance to make a real difference in your life.

Your best chance for real success in “resetting” your health is to continue your change with a proven program that has helped others do just the same.

Join Our Next Coaching Class
Find Out The Details!

Join Our Next Cleanse Coaching Class

Starting each week we will be begin our next 7-day Cleanse Class with free coaching. Don’t fear going it alone. Join us to get daily reminders and a place to talk to others. And get your friends to come along too!

Sign up here and I will be emailing you all of the details.

It is a complete program with a 7-day “cleanse” and then a follow up program of healthy nutrition.

I work with a company that has just launched a 30-day challenge program. I know their products work because I have used their program to lose over 40 lbs. myself!

More Information

If you would like to know more – send me a message and we can talk. I always like connecting. After all this is “social” media, right?

Sound like something you are up for?

It is never too early or late in life to make a difference
in your health. One of my favorite sayings is: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is right now.” 

P.S. And the best part is that the 30-day challenge program is guaranteed – if you don’t feel a difference in 30 days you can get all your money back. Even after completing the program.

First Results from the PEARL Trial of Rapamycin


The largely crowdfunded Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity (PEARL) clinical trial was organized by, the funds raised in 2021. Those of us who advocate for more (and, importantly, more cost-effective) clinical trials of existing low-cost therapies that might at least modestly affect aging hoped for the PEARL trial to be a good example of the way in which one can put together and run a responsible, low-cost clinical trial. A blueprint that others could follow, or a first example of more trials that could be undertaken by organizations such as Everything moves …


The largely crowdfunded Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity (PEARL) clinical trial was organized by, the funds raised in 2021. Those of us who advocate for more (and, importantly, more cost-effective) clinical trials of existing low-cost therapies that might at least modestly affect aging hoped for the PEARL trial to be a good example of the way in which one can put together and run a responsible, low-cost clinical trial. A blueprint that others could follow, or a first example of more trials that could be undertaken by organizations such as Everything moves …

Fight Aging! Newsletter, September 16th 2024


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:



Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


Open Thread: Old Friends


Is there really anything as comforting and fun as getting together with old friends? How long have you had your oldest friend?

The post Open Thread: Old Friends appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


Is there really anything as comforting and fun as getting together with old friends? How long have you had your oldest friend?

The post Open Thread: Old Friends appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

How I Created a Beautiful Life on the Other Side of Burnout


“If you dont give your mind and body a break, you’ll break. Stop pushing yourself through pain and exhaustion and take care of your needs. ~Lori Deschene

For forty-five minutes, I lay on my yoga mat in child’s pose, unable to move.

The exhaustion in my body felt like a thousand kilos, and the ache of failure pricked my eyes with tears.

Despite all my early morning runs, after-work bootcamps, and restricted meals, my body did not look like the bikini models I saw on Instagram.

Despite all my energy, efforts, and attention, my romantic relationship had fallen apart. No matter what I did or how …


“If you dont give your mind and body a break, you’ll break. Stop pushing yourself through pain and exhaustion and take care of your needs. ~Lori Deschene

For forty-five minutes, I lay on my yoga mat in child’s pose, unable to move.

The exhaustion in my body felt like a thousand kilos, and the ache of failure pricked my eyes with tears.

Despite all my early morning runs, after-work bootcamps, and restricted meals, my body did not look like the bikini models I saw on Instagram.

Despite all my energy, efforts, and attention, my romantic relationship had fallen apart. No matter what I did or how …

Distinct Changes in the Gut Microbiome of Parkinson's Patients


A number of neurodegenerative conditions have been linked to alterations in the gut microbiome, distinct from those already taking place with age. The balance of microbial populations making up the gut microbiome shifts with age to favor inflammation over production of beneficial metabolites. Researchers here make an effort to characterize gut microbiome changes associated specifically with Parkinson’s disease; whether these are indicative of greater inflammation or they touch on other mechanisms that can drive neurodegeneration …


A number of neurodegenerative conditions have been linked to alterations in the gut microbiome, distinct from those already taking place with age. The balance of microbial populations making up the gut microbiome shifts with age to favor inflammation over production of beneficial metabolites. Researchers here make an effort to characterize gut microbiome changes associated specifically with Parkinson’s disease; whether these are indicative of greater inflammation or they touch on other mechanisms that can drive neurodegeneration …

Meet the Trainer: Jess Fortin 


Meet Jess Fortin, kayaker, scrapbooker, and Senior Planet trainer in North Country New York. 

The post Meet the Trainer: Jess Fortin  appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


Meet Jess Fortin, kayaker, scrapbooker, and Senior Planet trainer in North Country New York. 

The post Meet the Trainer: Jess Fortin  appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Digging in to the Relationship Between Aging, Periodontitis, and Cardiovascular Disease


In recent years, researchers have suggested that gum disease, periodontitis, may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative conditions. Leakage of pathogens and harmful metabolites into the bloodstream at the gums, leading to an increased level of chronic inflammation, has been proposed as the important mechanism. This is a reasonable proposition. There is some debate over the degree of risk, however, and it is always poss…


In recent years, researchers have suggested that gum disease, periodontitis, may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative conditions. Leakage of pathogens and harmful metabolites into the bloodstream at the gums, leading to an increased level of chronic inflammation, has been proposed as the important mechanism. This is a reasonable proposition. There is some debate over the degree of risk, however, and it is always poss…

I apologize for my sideburns and striped shirt


For the first time in 10+ years, I rewatched my 2012 TEDx talk:

Nerd Fitness and Resetting the Game of Life.

My first thought: “Whoa, Steve. Those are some EPIC sideburns.”

My next thought: “Bold choice with the striped shirt, jeans, and flip flops!”

Then I gave myself some grace.

I’m deeply uncomfortable with the spotlight. I hate public speaking. It makes me want to vomit every single time. I also don’t like being on camera.

And yet, I have ideas that I think can help people.


For the first time in 10+ years, I rewatched my 2012 TEDx talk:

Nerd Fitness and Resetting the Game of Life.

My first thought: “Whoa, Steve. Those are some EPIC sideburns.”

My next thought: “Bold choice with the striped shirt, jeans, and flip flops!”

Then I gave myself some grace.

I’m deeply uncomfortable with the spotlight. I hate public speaking. It makes me want to vomit every single time. I also don’t like being on camera.

And yet, I have ideas that I think can help people.

Considering Telomerase in Aging, Cancer, and Inflammation


Telomeres are repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes. A little of this length is lost with each cell division, one part of the countdown mechanism that limits the number of times a cell can replicate before becoming senescent or undergoing programmed cell death. In stem cells that must continue to produce daughter cells with long telomeres, the enzyme telomerase is active to lengthen telomeres. To the extent that stem cell activity declines with age, average telomere…


Telomeres are repeated DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes. A little of this length is lost with each cell division, one part of the countdown mechanism that limits the number of times a cell can replicate before becoming senescent or undergoing programmed cell death. In stem cells that must continue to produce daughter cells with long telomeres, the enzyme telomerase is active to lengthen telomeres. To the extent that stem cell activity declines with age, average telomere…

Ask For Help


For a long time, I took a lot of pride in never needing to rely on other people.

I am a conflict-avoidant people-pleaser, so I would often pride myself on NEVER allowing myself to rely on others. I certainly wouldn’t let myself burden somebody else with my struggles.

I jokingly shared how I felt about asking for help the other day on Instagram:

<img loading="lazy" class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width…


For a long time, I took a lot of pride in never needing to rely on other people.

I am a conflict-avoidant people-pleaser, so I would often pride myself on NEVER allowing myself to rely on others. I certainly wouldn’t let myself burden somebody else with my struggles.

I jokingly shared how I felt about asking for help the other day on Instagram:

<img loading="lazy" class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width…

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