Morning Sickness Drug May Not Work: Study


The drug, Diclegis, failed to meet minimum effectiveness goals in the clinical trial relied upon by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its approval in 2013, Canadian researchers reported.


The drug, Diclegis, failed to meet minimum effectiveness goals in the clinical trial relied upon by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its approval in 2013, Canadian researchers reported.

How to Be Your Own Medical Advocate


by Deepak Chopra, MD & Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD for SFGate: When the average person goes to the doctor, shows up at the ER, or enters the hospital, the possibility of controlling what happens next is minimal. We put ourselves……


by Deepak Chopra, MD & Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD for SFGate: When the average person goes to the doctor, shows up at the ER, or enters the hospital, the possibility of controlling what happens next is minimal. We put ourselves……

Eight Tips To Understand and Remember What You Read — Especially As You Read Nonfiction



Despite Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and television, (or perhaps precisely because of all of them) traditional reading is still an important skill. Whether it is magazines, professional manuals or fascinating books, people still need to read, now and in years ahead. And much of it is nonfiction material, where it’s important to really understand and then remember what you are reading.

An unfortunate reason why many people don’t read much these days is that they don’t read well. Reading, for them, is slow, hard work and they don’t remember as much as they should. They often have to read something several times before they understand and remember what they read.

Why? You would think that everyone learns how to read well at school. Schoo…



Despite Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and television, (or perhaps precisely because of all of them) traditional reading is still an important skill. Whether it is magazines, professional manuals or fascinating books, people still need to read, now and in years ahead. And much of it is nonfiction material, where it’s important to really understand and then remember what you are reading.

An unfortunate reason why many people don’t read much these days is that they don’t read well. Reading, for them, is slow, hard work and they don’t remember as much as they should. They often have to read something several times before they understand and remember what they read.

Why? You would think that everyone learns how to read well at school. Schoo…

NIH Body Weight Planner: How the NIH Body Weight Planner Can Help You


Dr. Rodgers talks about how the Body Weight Planner lets you create a personal calorie and physical activity plan to reach your weight goal….


Dr. Rodgers talks about how the Body Weight Planner lets you create a personal calorie and physical activity plan to reach your weight goal….

Breast-Feed Now, Stave Off Diabetes Later


In babies, breast-feeding has been linked to a reduced risk for infections, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, some cancers and childhood overweight and obesity.


In babies, breast-feeding has been linked to a reduced risk for infections, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, some cancers and childhood overweight and obesity.

CVS: No More Photo Touchups in Beauty Product Ads


If suppliers use altered photos in their marketing materials, they will be labeled.


If suppliers use altered photos in their marketing materials, they will be labeled.

Why do more women develop Alzheimer’s disease than men?


by Canadian Institutes of Health Research: According to the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, 72% of Canadians living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. Is that because of their biological sex at birth? Does it have to do with the fact that……


by Canadian Institutes of Health Research: According to the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada, 72% of Canadians living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. Is that because of their biological sex at birth? Does it have to do with the fact that……

4 Easy Ways to Love Your Heart and Brain


By Mia Syn, MS, RD

A healthy diet and lifestyle are essential for keeping the brain and heart functioning at their peak. A healthy brain allows us to solve problems, communicate and recall memories, while a healthy heart does the vital role of supplying oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. Here are four factors that contribute to a healthy heart and brain:

  1. Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise is key to good health – especially when it comes to the brain and heart. About 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise can improve cardiovascular health according to the American Heart Association. Not only does it aid weight management, the benefits extend to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol – two other markers of heart health.

When it comes to the brain, exercise helps with memory and cognition. In fact, studies suggest that parts of that brain that control thinking and memory are lar…


By Mia Syn, MS, RD

A healthy diet and lifestyle are essential for keeping the brain and heart functioning at their peak. A healthy brain allows us to solve problems, communicate and recall memories, while a healthy heart does the vital role of supplying oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. Here are four factors that contribute to a healthy heart and brain:

  1. Exercise

It’s no secret that exercise is key to good health – especially when it comes to the brain and heart. About 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise can improve cardiovascular health according to the American Heart Association. Not only does it aid weight management, the benefits extend to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol – two other markers of heart health.

When it comes to the brain, exercise helps with memory and cognition. In fact, studies suggest that parts of that brain that control thinking and memory are lar…

Jan Samzelius, CEO of Brainnovations Winner NeuraMetrix, encourages pioneers to focus on “simple, elegant solutions to big problems”


What surprised you the most from the Judges’ questions and feedback during the Brainnovations Pitch Contest last month?

Even with only a brief presentation the judges immediately got the potential impact of our technology to measure and monitor brain health and began to think about other applications for us – several we had not thought about. That was fun.

In a nutshell, what is the core idea behind NeuraMetrix?

Typing Cadence is among the strongest habit we have. If the brain is attacked by a disease, the habit will begin to break – very slowly and in very small increments. Our way of measuring is so sensitive that we can pick up ch…


What surprised you the most from the Judges’ questions and feedback during the Brainnovations Pitch Contest last month?

Even with only a brief presentation the judges immediately got the potential impact of our technology to measure and monitor brain health and began to think about other applications for us – several we had not thought about. That was fun.

In a nutshell, what is the core idea behind NeuraMetrix?

Typing Cadence is among the strongest habit we have. If the brain is attacked by a disease, the habit will begin to break – very slowly and in very small increments. Our way of measuring is so sensitive that we can pick up ch…

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