Antibiotics May Blunt Breast-Feeding's Benefits


Infants given the drugs were prone to infections and obesity in childhood, researchers say


Infants given the drugs were prone to infections and obesity in childhood, researchers say

Brain Scans to Distinguish Between Brain Injury and PTSD


The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury overlap in a dizzying blur of similarity: depression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, fatigue, loss of interest, and more. At the Center for Clinical Spectroscopy at Brigham and Women’s, Alexander Lin oversees the brain scans of veterans who have experienced a trauma. Linuses magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), to use the

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The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury overlap in a dizzying blur of similarity: depression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, fatigue, loss of interest, and more. At the Center for Clinical Spectroscopy at Brigham and Women’s, Alexander Lin oversees the brain scans of veterans who have experienced a trauma. Linuses magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), to use the

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Stroke more than doubles risk of dementia


by Amina Zafar for CBC: The link between stroke and dementia is stronger than many Canadians realize, the Heart and Stroke Foundation says. Stroke happens when blood stops flowing to parts of the brain. A stroke more than doubles the risk of……


by Amina Zafar for CBC: The link between stroke and dementia is stronger than many Canadians realize, the Heart and Stroke Foundation says. Stroke happens when blood stops flowing to parts of the brain. A stroke more than doubles the risk of……

Exercise from middle age can prevent memory aging


by Genevieve Alison and Grant McArthur for Herald Sun: EXERCISING from middle age can prevent 20 years of aging for a person’s memory and stave off dementia, a groundbreaking Melbourne study has shown. Regular exercise of any type, from walking the dog……


by Genevieve Alison and Grant McArthur for Herald Sun: EXERCISING from middle age can prevent 20 years of aging for a person’s memory and stave off dementia, a groundbreaking Melbourne study has shown. Regular exercise of any type, from walking the dog……

Maybe we should call it “just-in-case” rather than “just-in-time”


So, you just received an automated email that asks you to submit “just-in-time” information for your application. Does that mean NIA is going to pay it? I wish! Unfortunately, that just-in-time request brings false hope to too many. Here’s some explanation of the just-in-time messages and our data on who gets funded. It might help you consider the priority of responding to a just-in-time request for information, if your application to NIA has a percentile score of 21 or poorer….


So, you just received an automated email that asks you to submit “just-in-time” information for your application. Does that mean NIA is going to pay it? I wish! Unfortunately, that just-in-time request brings false hope to too many. Here’s some explanation of the just-in-time messages and our data on who gets funded. It might help you consider the priority of responding to a just-in-time request for information, if your application to NIA has a percentile score of 21 or poorer….

Scientists discover unique pattern of hidden brain damage in male soldiers exposed to high explosive blasts


Scientists have identified a distinctive pattern of injury in the brains of eight deceased military personnel who survived high explosive attacks and died between 4 days and 9 years later from their injuries or other causes. The findings published in The Lancet Neurology journal suggest that the pattern of damage to the brain seen among

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Scientists have identified a distinctive pattern of injury in the brains of eight deceased military personnel who survived high explosive attacks and died between 4 days and 9 years later from their injuries or other causes. The findings published in The Lancet Neurology journal suggest that the pattern of damage to the brain seen among

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Go4Life: the NIA health education campaign


Did you know that the National Institute on Aging has a national health education campaign? Launched in 2011, Go4Life® encourages older adults to reap health benefits by making physical activity part of their daily lives. If you do research with older adults or on senior wellness and health education programs, you might be especially interested in the details of our campaign….


Did you know that the National Institute on Aging has a national health education campaign? Launched in 2011, Go4Life® encourages older adults to reap health benefits by making physical activity part of their daily lives. If you do research with older adults or on senior wellness and health education programs, you might be especially interested in the details of our campaign….

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