
Easy Ways to Break Your Afternoon Energy Slump


by Kim Hayes, AARP, August 18, 2017|Comments: 0. mature couple taking a nap
. Getty Images … AARP Membership: Join or Renew for Just $16 a Year ……


by Kim Hayes, AARP, August 18, 2017|Comments: 0. mature couple taking a nap
. Getty Images … AARP Membership: Join or Renew for Just $16 a Year ……

Can Anyone, Even Walmart, Stem The Heat-Trapping Flood Of Nitrogen On Farms?


Walmart has promised big cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases. To meet that goal, though, the giant retailer may have to persuade farmers to use less fertilizer. It won’t be easy.

(Image credit: TheBusman/Getty Images)


Walmart has promised big cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases. To meet that goal, though, the giant retailer may have to persuade farmers to use less fertilizer. It won’t be easy.

(Image credit: TheBusman/Getty Images)

Ayurvedic Remedies for PMS That Really Work


Some of the most common health complaints among my female patients are irregular cycles, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and pain from menstrual cramps. Ayurveda provides natural, effective solutions for many of these symptoms, especially for those who currently rely on over-the-counter pain medicines for relief.

How Ayurveda Views the Menstrual Cycle

It’s helpful to understand how this ancient holistic health system sees the reproductive stages of a woman’s life. In Ayurveda, a woman’s lifespan is divided into three sections, each dominated by a different dosha, or biological energy. The first stage, from birth until the first menstruation, is dominated by kapha, the energy of water and earth. The middle part of life, or the childbearing years, from around ages 15 to 50, is ruled by pitta, the fire energy. The last stage of life is governed by vata, or the air energy. Of course, the exact ages vary from person to person, but these are the three general stages of life.

A healthy menstrual cycle runs like clockwork. This can only happen if, primarily, the pitta energy is healthy since it’s the energy that generally most influences the menstrual cycle. Ayurveda says the nourishment that the female body receives is divided between two secondary tissues—breast and uterine—before reaching the rest of the body. When a woman is reproductively …


Some of the most common health complaints among my female patients are irregular cycles, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and pain from menstrual cramps. Ayurveda provides natural, effective solutions for many of these symptoms, especially for those who currently rely on over-the-counter pain medicines for relief.

How Ayurveda Views the Menstrual Cycle

It’s helpful to understand how this ancient holistic health system sees the reproductive stages of a woman’s life. In Ayurveda, a woman’s lifespan is divided into three sections, each dominated by a different dosha, or biological energy. The first stage, from birth until the first menstruation, is dominated by kapha, the energy of water and earth. The middle part of life, or the childbearing years, from around ages 15 to 50, is ruled by pitta, the fire energy. The last stage of life is governed by vata, or the air energy. Of course, the exact ages vary from person to person, but these are the three general stages of life.

A healthy menstrual cycle runs like clockwork. This can only happen if, primarily, the pitta energy is healthy since it’s the energy that generally most influences the menstrual cycle. Ayurveda says the nourishment that the female body receives is divided between two secondary tissues—breast and uterine—before reaching the rest of the body. When a woman is reproductively …

The Tension Weightlifting Technique: How to Make Every Exercise More Effective


Why is it that some people seem to see dramatically better results from their time in the gym?

Yes, genetics matter. So does nutrition, your fat-to-muscle ratio, how many years you’ve been lifting weights, if you sit throughout the day, and — ultimately — how much weight you can lift.

But let’s assume all of those are equal, and yet, here you are, still sweating day-after-day at the gym and not looking like the other people putting in the same work.

We’ve all been there and it’s an awful feeling, but one that can be fixed with a simple adjustment. One of the biggest factors that determine whether or not you’ll see the results you want comes down to two words: weightlifting technique.

More specifically, creating tension. If you want to start seeing your efforts pay off, it’s time to learn that it’s not always what exercises you do, but how you do them.

Why Tension Matters

For a moment, forget weightlifting tech…


Why is it that some people seem to see dramatically better results from their time in the gym?

Yes, genetics matter. So does nutrition, your fat-to-muscle ratio, how many years you’ve been lifting weights, if you sit throughout the day, and — ultimately — how much weight you can lift.

But let’s assume all of those are equal, and yet, here you are, still sweating day-after-day at the gym and not looking like the other people putting in the same work.

We’ve all been there and it’s an awful feeling, but one that can be fixed with a simple adjustment. One of the biggest factors that determine whether or not you’ll see the results you want comes down to two words: weightlifting technique.

More specifically, creating tension. If you want to start seeing your efforts pay off, it’s time to learn that it’s not always what exercises you do, but how you do them.

Why Tension Matters

For a moment, forget weightlifting tech…

Floyd Mayweather to Open Mayweather Boxing & Fitness in Southern California


Boxer Floyd Mayweather intends to open and franchise boxing-oriented fitness clubs in the United States and abroad with a focus on “traditionally underserved communities.”…


Boxer Floyd Mayweather intends to open and franchise boxing-oriented fitness clubs in the United States and abroad with a focus on “traditionally underserved communities.”…

Debate: Would you–or should you–undergo medical treatments to improve your body and mind and your chances of employment?


The future of work is medically enhanced ‘elite super-workers,’ report says (Ladders):

“In the future, we will be competing against medically-enhanced workers who can work longer and harder than us. Artificial intelligence will make it easier to monitor our every move in the office. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s a likely reality, according to a new report by professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers…Seventy percent of the workers surveyed said that they would undergo treatments to improve their body and mind if it would improve their chances of empl…


The future of work is medically enhanced ‘elite super-workers,’ report says (Ladders):

“In the future, we will be competing against medically-enhanced workers who can work longer and harder than us. Artificial intelligence will make it easier to monitor our every move in the office. This may sound like science fiction, but it’s a likely reality, according to a new report by professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers…Seventy percent of the workers surveyed said that they would undergo treatments to improve their body and mind if it would improve their chances of empl…

Women Who Eat Well Less Likely to Develop Dementia


Kathleen M. Hayden, PhD

Kathleen Hayden, Ph.D., Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and colleagues sought to replicate findings* about the MIND diet in 7,057 women participating in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS). Using data from WHIMS, they categorized the partic…


Kathleen M. Hayden, PhD

Kathleen Hayden, Ph.D., Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and colleagues sought to replicate findings* about the MIND diet in 7,057 women participating in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS). Using data from WHIMS, they categorized the partic…

Focus on Quinoa



Quinoa is one of the new powerhouse nutritional super stars that everyone is talking about.  Many people think quinoa is a grain but it is actually a seed that has been consumed for over 3000 years.  It is a vegan, gluten free food perfect to use as a substitute for rice or pasta.  Quinoa is a complete protein containing all nine of the essential amino acids.  Quinoa is loaded with regularity inducing fiber with over 20 grams per cup.  One serving of quinoa has about 37% of your daily iron needs- an important nutrient for blood health.  Quinoa is also rich in magnesium, a mineral important for relaxation and blood sugar control.  Quinoa is fairly low on the glycemic index making it a good choice for blood sugar control.    Quinoa is also high in antioxidants to protect from free radical damage.  All of the benefits make quinoa an important addition to a healthy diet.

Please see the recipe below for a super yummy quinoa containing chocolate chip snack bar.

Chocolate Chip Quinoa Snack Bars
  • 2 1/2 cups quinoa flakes



Quinoa is one of the new powerhouse nutritional super stars that everyone is talking about.  Many people think quinoa is a grain but it is actually a seed that has been consumed for over 3000 years.  It is a vegan, gluten free food perfect to use as a substitute for rice or pasta.  Quinoa is a complete protein containing all nine of the essential amino acids.  Quinoa is loaded with regularity inducing fiber with over 20 grams per cup.  One serving of quinoa has about 37% of your daily iron needs- an important nutrient for blood health.  Quinoa is also rich in magnesium, a mineral important for relaxation and blood sugar control.  Quinoa is fairly low on the glycemic index making it a good choice for blood sugar control.    Quinoa is also high in antioxidants to protect from free radical damage.  All of the benefits make quinoa an important addition to a healthy diet.

Please see the recipe below for a super yummy quinoa containing chocolate chip snack bar.

Chocolate Chip Quinoa Snack Bars
  • 2 1/2 cups quinoa flakes

Celebrate the Solar Eclipse with these Family-Friendly Yoga Poses


By Sara J. Weis

Are you ready for the solar eclipse? Read on to see how you can celebrate this event as a family with some fun and aligning yoga poses.

On August 21st, the moon will completely eclipse the sun. People all over the United States will be able to witness this rare event.  The alignment, so to speak, needs to be perfect for the moon, sun, and Earth so that the moon can completely block out the sun.

Make this event even more memorable with your family. While waiting for the eclipse, try these creative yoga poses and activities.

Rocket Breath:  Make practicing deep calming breaths fun and relevant for kids by doing Rocket Breath.  Breathe deeply in through your nose while counting up to five. When you get to five, hold your breath for a moment and then exhale out loudly through your mouth as if blasting off.

Sun: Stand in Mountain Pose with arms stretched overhead as if you are reaching for the sun.

Rocket: Go into Chair Pose with legs together, knees bent, and arms overhead to resemble a rock…


By Sara J. Weis

Are you ready for the solar eclipse? Read on to see how you can celebrate this event as a family with some fun and aligning yoga poses.

On August 21st, the moon will completely eclipse the sun. People all over the United States will be able to witness this rare event.  The alignment, so to speak, needs to be perfect for the moon, sun, and Earth so that the moon can completely block out the sun.

Make this event even more memorable with your family. While waiting for the eclipse, try these creative yoga poses and activities.

Rocket Breath:  Make practicing deep calming breaths fun and relevant for kids by doing Rocket Breath.  Breathe deeply in through your nose while counting up to five. When you get to five, hold your breath for a moment and then exhale out loudly through your mouth as if blasting off.

Sun: Stand in Mountain Pose with arms stretched overhead as if you are reaching for the sun.

Rocket: Go into Chair Pose with legs together, knees bent, and arms overhead to resemble a rock…

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