
Pulse Sharpness Correlates with Vascular Aging


Consumer devices that can measure useful age-related cardiovascular metrics such as pulse wave velocity and heart rate variability are not that great in comparison to the much more expensive lines of medical devices. The most important difference lies in whether measuring these parameters in the periphery (arm, wrist, finger) or in the body itself (neck, torso). There is a lot more noise in the periphery, and these are already noisy metrics by their nature, prone to a lot of moment to moment and circumstantial variance. If pulse wave velocity is 6.3 m/s on day one and 8.5 m/s on day two, an entirely likely outcome, what exactly is one supposed to do with that information, other than resign oneself to a two to three week process of twice daily measurements in order to obtain a meaningful …


Consumer devices that can measure useful age-related cardiovascular metrics such as pulse wave velocity and heart rate variability are not that great in comparison to the much more expensive lines of medical devices. The most important difference lies in whether measuring these parameters in the periphery (arm, wrist, finger) or in the body itself (neck, torso). There is a lot more noise in the periphery, and these are already noisy metrics by their nature, prone to a lot of moment to moment and circumstantial variance. If pulse wave velocity is 6.3 m/s on day one and 8.5 m/s on day two, an entirely likely outcome, what exactly is one supposed to do with that information, other than resign oneself to a two to three week process of twice daily measurements in order to obtain a meaningful …

Is Iron Metabolism an Understudied Aspect of Aging?


Many of the interventions demonstrated to produce interesting effects on the pace or state of aging are challenging to learn from. This is the case because these interventions change so much of the operation of metabolism as to make it hard to pick apart what is most relevant to the progression of aging versus what is a side-effect. Calorie restriction is the canonical example – it alters the entire laundry list of cellular processes thought relevant to aging, and a good many others besides. Similar issues arise when looking at heterochronic parabiosis, as linking the circulatory systems of a young animal and an old animal changes the signaling environment prof…


Many of the interventions demonstrated to produce interesting effects on the pace or state of aging are challenging to learn from. This is the case because these interventions change so much of the operation of metabolism as to make it hard to pick apart what is most relevant to the progression of aging versus what is a side-effect. Calorie restriction is the canonical example – it alters the entire laundry list of cellular processes thought relevant to aging, and a good many others besides. Similar issues arise when looking at heterochronic parabiosis, as linking the circulatory systems of a young animal and an old animal changes the signaling environment prof…

Streamline Check-In to Improve Operations and Stay Competitive


Streamline Check-In to Improve Operations and Stay Competitive
Sun, 09/26/2021 – 18:03


Streamline Check-In to Improve Operations and Stay Competitive
Sun, 09/26/2021 – 18:03

Ask Joan: More Quickies!


This month, our Sex Columnist Joan Price offers “Quickies”: a few short questions and answers from readers.

The post Ask Joan: More Quickies! appeared first on Senior Planet.


This month, our Sex Columnist Joan Price offers “Quickies”: a few short questions and answers from readers.

The post Ask Joan: More Quickies! appeared first on Senior Planet.

Should You Try Absolute Nature CBD? Here's Our Review


Finding a quality cannabidiol (CBD) brand is like searching for a needle (a *really small* needle) in a haystack. There are a lot of duds out there, and some companies have pathetically low standards. 

But when you’re planning on putting something into your body, you want to buy from a brand that takes its business as seriously you took binge watching “Squid Game.”

One brand you might find hanging out in the CBD Wild West is Absolute Nature CBD. Founded in 2019 and based in Dallas-Fort Worth, Absolute Nature is still pretty new to the scene.

Sooo should you give Absolute Nature CBD the green light? We dug into the brand and its products to help you decide. 👇

<h2 id="pros-and-cons" data-toc-label="Pros and cons" class="wp-block-healthline-tabbe…


Finding a quality cannabidiol (CBD) brand is like searching for a needle (a *really small* needle) in a haystack. There are a lot of duds out there, and some companies have pathetically low standards. 

But when you’re planning on putting something into your body, you want to buy from a brand that takes its business as seriously you took binge watching “Squid Game.”

One brand you might find hanging out in the CBD Wild West is Absolute Nature CBD. Founded in 2019 and based in Dallas-Fort Worth, Absolute Nature is still pretty new to the scene.

Sooo should you give Absolute Nature CBD the green light? We dug into the brand and its products to help you decide. 👇

<h2 id="pros-and-cons" data-toc-label="Pros and cons" class="wp-block-healthline-tabbe…

Chili Lime Roasted Pepitas (5 Ingredients!)


Chili Lime Roasted Pepitas (5 Ingredients!)

Friends, do you ever wonder how restaurants transform seemingly simple salads and bowls into beautiful and complex dishes? Delicious dressings are one part of the answer, and crunchy toppings are the other! The solution for stepping up your salad game: Chili Lime Roasted Pepitas! Not only do they transform salads and bowls, but they’re also super snack-able

These crunchy, roasty-toasty goodies happen to be oil-free and require just 1 pan, 5…


Chili Lime Roasted Pepitas (5 Ingredients!)

Friends, do you ever wonder how restaurants transform seemingly simple salads and bowls into beautiful and complex dishes? Delicious dressings are one part of the answer, and crunchy toppings are the other! The solution for stepping up your salad game: Chili Lime Roasted Pepitas! Not only do they transform salads and bowls, but they’re also super snack-able

These crunchy, roasty-toasty goodies happen to be oil-free and require just 1 pan, 5…

Why I Gave Myself Permission to Suck at New Things


“Never be afraid to try new things and make some mistakes. It’s all part of life and learning.” ~Unknown

A few months ago, I was warming up for a dance class. It was a beginners’ class, but the instructor was one of those people who have been dancing all their life, so movement came easy to her. This was the ninth week of a ten-week term, and we’d been working on a choreography for a while now.

Then, the reception girl came in with a new student. She introduced the new girl to the instructor. “Hey B. This is Nat. She is new to the studio, and I offered her a trial class. Do you think you can take care of her?”

“Of course. Hi Nat. We have been working on this “coreo” for a while, but I’ll explain each move as we go. I promis…


“Never be afraid to try new things and make some mistakes. It’s all part of life and learning.” ~Unknown

A few months ago, I was warming up for a dance class. It was a beginners’ class, but the instructor was one of those people who have been dancing all their life, so movement came easy to her. This was the ninth week of a ten-week term, and we’d been working on a choreography for a while now.

Then, the reception girl came in with a new student. She introduced the new girl to the instructor. “Hey B. This is Nat. She is new to the studio, and I offered her a trial class. Do you think you can take care of her?”

“Of course. Hi Nat. We have been working on this “coreo” for a while, but I’ll explain each move as we go. I promis…

Create a Powerful Framing for the World


By Leo Babauta

The way we view life is usually invisible to us, and yet it is probably the most powerful thing in our lives.

For example, one person might hear the words of another person and feel incredibly hurt, stressed, angry, and then it ruins their entire week … while another person might hear the same words and feel compassion and love for the other person. Neither person is right or wrong, they simply have different views of the world.

The way we look at the world is called our “framing” of the world. The lens through which we see our lives. Our view of things.

There is no “right” lens or framing, nothing that we “should” choose. In fact, “right” and “should” are two common framings of the world. There are simply different lenses, different ways to frame anything. And if we bring awareness to the frame, we can choose.



By Leo Babauta

The way we view life is usually invisible to us, and yet it is probably the most powerful thing in our lives.

For example, one person might hear the words of another person and feel incredibly hurt, stressed, angry, and then it ruins their entire week … while another person might hear the same words and feel compassion and love for the other person. Neither person is right or wrong, they simply have different views of the world.

The way we look at the world is called our “framing” of the world. The lens through which we see our lives. Our view of things.

There is no “right” lens or framing, nothing that we “should” choose. In fact, “right” and “should” are two common framings of the world. There are simply different lenses, different ways to frame anything. And if we bring awareness to the frame, we can choose.


What Is the Difference Between Balsamic and White Vinegar?


Vinegar is seemingly everywhere these days: Red wine vinegar hiding in salad dressings, balsamic vinegar reduced into a glaze for your steak, a shot of apple cider vinegar for whatever ails you, and white vinegar sprayed onto windows for that streak-free shine. Umpteen types line store shelves for your shopping pleasure, making home cooks fret as much about the best vinegar for their next cooking adventure as they do about which salt is best for seasoning.

Getty Images

It’s super easy to fall down the rabbit hole of each individual vinegar varietal as well. What’s the difference between the $100 and $10 bottles of balsamic? Is white wine vinegar the same as white vinegar? Here, we’ll …


Vinegar is seemingly everywhere these days: Red wine vinegar hiding in salad dressings, balsamic vinegar reduced into a glaze for your steak, a shot of apple cider vinegar for whatever ails you, and white vinegar sprayed onto windows for that streak-free shine. Umpteen types line store shelves for your shopping pleasure, making home cooks fret as much about the best vinegar for their next cooking adventure as they do about which salt is best for seasoning.

Getty Images

It’s super easy to fall down the rabbit hole of each individual vinegar varietal as well. What’s the difference between the $100 and $10 bottles of balsamic? Is white wine vinegar the same as white vinegar? Here, we’ll …

A Guide to Sage, Our Favorite Fall Herb


When it comes to the savory end of the warm and cozy fall flavor spectrum, sage is perhaps the quintessential taste of the season. Rosemary and thyme rank high too, but sage is the chief flavor agent in many a Thanksgiving turkey—not to mention the stuffing—and a classic partner to autumn’s most beloved (and prolific) produce: pumpkin and squash.

It also has a long and fascinating history as both a culinary and a medicinal herb. So let’s find out all there is to know about sage, the fall herb all-star.


What’s In a Name?

The Latin name for sage, salvia, comes from a word meaning “to save,” and the herb has been used m…


When it comes to the savory end of the warm and cozy fall flavor spectrum, sage is perhaps the quintessential taste of the season. Rosemary and thyme rank high too, but sage is the chief flavor agent in many a Thanksgiving turkey—not to mention the stuffing—and a classic partner to autumn’s most beloved (and prolific) produce: pumpkin and squash.

It also has a long and fascinating history as both a culinary and a medicinal herb. So let’s find out all there is to know about sage, the fall herb all-star.


What’s In a Name?

The Latin name for sage, salvia, comes from a word meaning “to save,” and the herb has been used m…

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