
Avoid Immigration Scams


Learn the tricks of immigration scammers who use a shared heritage and phony websites to extract money and sensitive information.

The post Avoid Immigration Scams appeared first on Senior Planet.


Learn the tricks of immigration scammers who use a shared heritage and phony websites to extract money and sensitive information.

The post Avoid Immigration Scams appeared first on Senior Planet.

How Your Relationship with Shame and Vulnerability Impacts Your Mental Health


Shame feels like jumping in the deep end of the pool. You think you’ll be able to swim, but you can’t.

Let me paint a picture for you: It’s summertime in the early 2000s and the sun is scorching. My brother and I are at Stars and Stripes Summer camp in Oak Park, Michigan. We’re in elementary school. Our parents work full-time jobs and this is where we stay during the summer months.

It’s swim day and I decide to be bold. I had been swimming in the somewhat shallow end of the pool for a while. I keep looking over at the deep end where the bigger kids were swimming. I say to myself, “I can do that,” and waste no time. Soon I’m standing on the ledge of the deep end staring into water that seems to have no floor. I’m scared but I think, it’s now or never. I hold my nose and dive in heels first.

My body sinks to the middle of the pool and I begin kicking my feet to push up back toward the ledge. There’s nothing there. I begin…


Shame feels like jumping in the deep end of the pool. You think you’ll be able to swim, but you can’t.

Let me paint a picture for you: It’s summertime in the early 2000s and the sun is scorching. My brother and I are at Stars and Stripes Summer camp in Oak Park, Michigan. We’re in elementary school. Our parents work full-time jobs and this is where we stay during the summer months.

It’s swim day and I decide to be bold. I had been swimming in the somewhat shallow end of the pool for a while. I keep looking over at the deep end where the bigger kids were swimming. I say to myself, “I can do that,” and waste no time. Soon I’m standing on the ledge of the deep end staring into water that seems to have no floor. I’m scared but I think, it’s now or never. I hold my nose and dive in heels first.

My body sinks to the middle of the pool and I begin kicking my feet to push up back toward the ledge. There’s nothing there. I begin…

Afraid to Say No Because You Might Miss Out on a Big Opportunity?


“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.” ~Unknown

Are you afraid of saying no in your professional life because you think you’ll miss out on a big opportunity? I’ve learned that a quick yes can sink a lot of ships. God only knows I’ve taken on too much at times because I feared I’d miss out on something life changing.

We view opportunities as golden nuggets that are few and far between, so we snatch them up before someone else does, even if they don’t really excite us. But many of them are nothing more than fool’s gold—a superficial resemblance to what we actually want.

It’s just so damn hard to pass on something that sounds promising like a new role at work, a chance to join an exciting new pr…


“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.” ~Unknown

Are you afraid of saying no in your professional life because you think you’ll miss out on a big opportunity? I’ve learned that a quick yes can sink a lot of ships. God only knows I’ve taken on too much at times because I feared I’d miss out on something life changing.

We view opportunities as golden nuggets that are few and far between, so we snatch them up before someone else does, even if they don’t really excite us. But many of them are nothing more than fool’s gold—a superficial resemblance to what we actually want.

It’s just so damn hard to pass on something that sounds promising like a new role at work, a chance to join an exciting new pr…

The Aging Gut Microbiome Interferes with Innate Immunity in the Brain


The aging of the gut microbiome is a topic of growing interest in the research community. It is possible that changes to the gut microbiome have an effect on the progression of aging that is in the same ballpark as that of exercise. With advancing age, harmful inflammatory microbial species grow in number, while those that produce beneficial metabolites decline in number. This has consequences, both the rise of chronic inflammation and loss of tissue function. As today’s open access review paper notes, this reaches even to the bra…


The aging of the gut microbiome is a topic of growing interest in the research community. It is possible that changes to the gut microbiome have an effect on the progression of aging that is in the same ballpark as that of exercise. With advancing age, harmful inflammatory microbial species grow in number, while those that produce beneficial metabolites decline in number. This has consequences, both the rise of chronic inflammation and loss of tissue function. As today’s open access review paper notes, this reaches even to the bra…

Pesto Avocado Toast with Fresh Tomatoes


Pesto Avocado Toast with Fresh Tomatoes

Say hello to the summer avocado toast of your dreams topped with vibrant pesto and sliced tomatoes! It’s avocado toast on a whole new level. Just 15 minutes and 10 ingredients required for this incredibly delicious breakfast or snack celebrating the best of summer. Let us show you how it’s done!

How to Make Pesto Avocado Toast

Friends, it might sound simple, but this avocado toast truly is next level deliciousness!


Pesto Avocado Toast with Fresh Tomatoes

Say hello to the summer avocado toast of your dreams topped with vibrant pesto and sliced tomatoes! It’s avocado toast on a whole new level. Just 15 minutes and 10 ingredients required for this incredibly delicious breakfast or snack celebrating the best of summer. Let us show you how it’s done!

How to Make Pesto Avocado Toast

Friends, it might sound simple, but this avocado toast truly is next level deliciousness!

The Ability of Calorie Restriction to Aid in Kidney Regeneration Falters with Age


The practice of calorie restriction (also known as dietary restriction) improves health and slows aging. This occurs to a greater degree in short-lived species than in our own comparatively long-lived species, but nonetheless, the benefits are evident. Researchers here discuss the evidence for calorie restriction to be protective of kidney function, but for that protection to decline with age. This is an interesting perspective on calorie restriction, one that I haven’t see much mentioned in the past. Very little of our biochemistry and function escapes aging, and we might expect near any measurable aspect of physiology and metabolism to become worse in older people. So why not also a reduc…


The practice of calorie restriction (also known as dietary restriction) improves health and slows aging. This occurs to a greater degree in short-lived species than in our own comparatively long-lived species, but nonetheless, the benefits are evident. Researchers here discuss the evidence for calorie restriction to be protective of kidney function, but for that protection to decline with age. This is an interesting perspective on calorie restriction, one that I haven’t see much mentioned in the past. Very little of our biochemistry and function escapes aging, and we might expect near any measurable aspect of physiology and metabolism to become worse in older people. So why not also a reduc…

Hormones and Belly Fat: What’s the Connection?


Belly fat can be tricky to ditch. That’s probably why it’s one of the most common problems posed to Dr. Google.

And there isn’t always a simple solution. It’s not always the case, but belly fat could be linked to your hormones. Keep scrolling for a deep dive into the causes and solutions for hormonal belly.

Hormonal belly FAQs

Can hormones make you gain weight in your belly?

Yes, your hormones can trigger weight gain for a variety of reasons. Fluctuations in estrogen and testosterone can affect your metabolism. …


Belly fat can be tricky to ditch. That’s probably why it’s one of the most common problems posed to Dr. Google.

And there isn’t always a simple solution. It’s not always the case, but belly fat could be linked to your hormones. Keep scrolling for a deep dive into the causes and solutions for hormonal belly.

Hormonal belly FAQs

Can hormones make you gain weight in your belly?

Yes, your hormones can trigger weight gain for a variety of reasons. Fluctuations in estrogen and testosterone can affect your metabolism. …

What’s Really Important: 3 Things I Realized When I Lost My Grandmother


“We forget what we want to remember and remember what we want to forget.” ~The Road

“Okay grandma, we’re going to run away!” I wheeled my grandma Jeanne in her wheelchair into the sunlight, through the courtyard, after we exited her nursing home. She knew though that she couldn’t leave, but she went along with the game. She knew she was stuck there. But we had fun with it, nonetheless.

I really did want to run away with her. I’d had a dream the night before that she told me, “I’m at the end of my life. You will be judged for how you take care of me.” That shocked me. I felt fear and worry about the potential of losing her and not doing a good enough job at helping her through her last days. She’d had a stroke and then was diagnosed with dementia…


“We forget what we want to remember and remember what we want to forget.” ~The Road

“Okay grandma, we’re going to run away!” I wheeled my grandma Jeanne in her wheelchair into the sunlight, through the courtyard, after we exited her nursing home. She knew though that she couldn’t leave, but she went along with the game. She knew she was stuck there. But we had fun with it, nonetheless.

I really did want to run away with her. I’d had a dream the night before that she told me, “I’m at the end of my life. You will be judged for how you take care of me.” That shocked me. I felt fear and worry about the potential of losing her and not doing a good enough job at helping her through her last days. She’d had a stroke and then was diagnosed with dementia…

Fight Aging! Newsletter, August 2nd 2021


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Endothelial Cell Senescence Accelerates Atherosclerosis
  • Applying Senolytics to Improve Mesenchymal…


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • Endothelial Cell Senescence Accelerates Atherosclerosis
  • Applying Senolytics to Improve Mesenchymal…

Open Thread: Call Me…Maybe


I’m tired of having to juggle and remember the tangle of ways people use to reach me. What’s your communications pet peeve?

The post Open Thread: Call Me…Maybe appeared first on Senior Planet.


I’m tired of having to juggle and remember the tangle of ways people use to reach me. What’s your communications pet peeve?

The post Open Thread: Call Me…Maybe appeared first on Senior Planet.

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