
The Correlation Between Greater Wealth and Longevity Likely Does Not Have Cultural or Genetic Contributions


Greater personal wealth very clearly correlates with modestly greater longevity. Why is this? That is a hard question to answer, as the network of correlations between socioeconomic status, education, wealth, intelligence, and lifestyle choices are challenging to pick apart in most available databases of epidemiological information. Are wealthier people on balance more educated, and more educated people tend to take better care of their health? Are wea…


Greater personal wealth very clearly correlates with modestly greater longevity. Why is this? That is a hard question to answer, as the network of correlations between socioeconomic status, education, wealth, intelligence, and lifestyle choices are challenging to pick apart in most available databases of epidemiological information. Are wealthier people on balance more educated, and more educated people tend to take better care of their health? Are wea…

Sore Throat Chakra? Here Are 10 Ways to Find Some Healing Energy


If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain organs and nerve bundles responsible for energy flow.

If a chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced, it’s believed that energy flow is disrupted, causing negative physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional symptoms.

The throat chakra — aka Vishuddha — is the charka in charge of communication and self-expression (particularly, the power to speak your truth). So if you start to have issues there, that’s obviously not ideal.

The good news is there are methods of healing.

10 ways to h…


If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain organs and nerve bundles responsible for energy flow.

If a chakra becomes blocked or imbalanced, it’s believed that energy flow is disrupted, causing negative physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional symptoms.

The throat chakra — aka Vishuddha — is the charka in charge of communication and self-expression (particularly, the power to speak your truth). So if you start to have issues there, that’s obviously not ideal.

The good news is there are methods of healing.

10 ways to h…

The Suitcase Carry: Get Carried Away with This Top-to-Toe Workout


Are you looking for an exercise that’s going to tone and strengthen your entire body from head to toe? If so, you should think about incorporating a suitcase carry into your workout routine.

What is a suitcase carry exercise?

A suitcase carry is a unilateral-loaded carry. In other words, you carry a weight in one hand and walk a set distance. It’s a good all-round exercise that targets these muscles:

  • core muscles like the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis
  • spinal erectors
  • quadriceps
  • calves
  • glutes
  • hamstrings
  • hip flexors
  • shoulders
  • triceps
  • forearms
  • hands

Try making “heads, shoulders, knees, and toes” out of that.

A suitcase carry is a weight-bearing exercise that you can do anywhere. It might be simple, but…


Are you looking for an exercise that’s going to tone and strengthen your entire body from head to toe? If so, you should think about incorporating a suitcase carry into your workout routine.

What is a suitcase carry exercise?

A suitcase carry is a unilateral-loaded carry. In other words, you carry a weight in one hand and walk a set distance. It’s a good all-round exercise that targets these muscles:

  • core muscles like the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis
  • spinal erectors
  • quadriceps
  • calves
  • glutes
  • hamstrings
  • hip flexors
  • shoulders
  • triceps
  • forearms
  • hands

Try making “heads, shoulders, knees, and toes” out of that.

A suitcase carry is a weight-bearing exercise that you can do anywhere. It might be simple, but…

Social Media Strategies That Are Reshaping the Fitness Industry


Social Media Strategies That Are Reshaping the Fitness Industry
Fri, 06/25/2021 – 15:45


Social Media Strategies That Are Reshaping the Fitness Industry
Fri, 06/25/2021 – 15:45

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day: Understanding the Impact


male couple smiles
Alberto Bogo/Stocksy United

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) occurs every fall on October 15 in an effort to promote information about and access to HIV testing and treatment focused on the Hispanic and Latinx communities, who are disproportionately impacted by HIV. 

The date is important every year, of course. But in 2021, it’s particularly crucial. This June marked 40 years since the first reports of the condition that later became known as HIV. 

Over the past four decades, we’ve made huge strides in HIV …


male couple smiles
Alberto Bogo/Stocksy United

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) occurs every fall on October 15 in an effort to promote information about and access to HIV testing and treatment focused on the Hispanic and Latinx communities, who are disproportionately impacted by HIV. 

The date is important every year, of course. But in 2021, it’s particularly crucial. This June marked 40 years since the first reports of the condition that later became known as HIV. 

Over the past four decades, we’ve made huge strides in HIV …

5 Tips for Re-engaging Your Members with Indoor Cycling in 2021


5 Tips for Re-engaging Your Members with Indoor Cycling in 2021
Fri, 06/25/2021 – 16:09


5 Tips for Re-engaging Your Members with Indoor Cycling in 2021
Fri, 06/25/2021 – 16:09

Thinking Mode vs Doing Mode


By Leo Babauta

I spend a lot of time dreaming about things — incredible adventures I want to go on, self-improvement projects, all those books I plan on reading!

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Dreaming is wonderful.

What I’ve noticed, though, is that sometimes I get stuck in the thinking and dreaming mode, and don’t actually take action.

I dream about going on these epic hikes through the mountains … I research it, learn about it, plan out my gear and food and routes … but I’m stuck inside, doing all of this research and planning. I’m not actually outside, experiencing the hikes.

When I realize this, it’s good for me to make this distinction: am I in the mode of thinking about it, or actually doing it? Both are fine! But at some point, it helps to make the switch: from thinking about it … to Doing.

This is the point where we make a commitment.

We go f…


By Leo Babauta

I spend a lot of time dreaming about things — incredible adventures I want to go on, self-improvement projects, all those books I plan on reading!

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Dreaming is wonderful.

What I’ve noticed, though, is that sometimes I get stuck in the thinking and dreaming mode, and don’t actually take action.

I dream about going on these epic hikes through the mountains … I research it, learn about it, plan out my gear and food and routes … but I’m stuck inside, doing all of this research and planning. I’m not actually outside, experiencing the hikes.

When I realize this, it’s good for me to make this distinction: am I in the mode of thinking about it, or actually doing it? Both are fine! But at some point, it helps to make the switch: from thinking about it … to Doing.

This is the point where we make a commitment.

We go f…

Trainerize Is Redefining Personal Training Through Wearables with Brand New Apple Watch App for Coaches and Studios


Trainerize Is Redefining Personal Training Through Wearables with Brand New Apple Watch App for Coaches and Studios
Tue, 07/27/2021 – 21:33


Trainerize Is Redefining Personal Training Through Wearables with Brand New Apple Watch App for Coaches and Studios
Tue, 07/27/2021 – 21:33

7 Genius (Unexpected) Drinks to Pair with Cheese Instead of Wine


When we talk about “cheese pairings,” we generally mean cheese paired with wine. This makes sense — there’s nothing like the magic of a Blanc de Blancs Champagne with a fluffy triple creme or a ruby-hued granacha with a giant hunk of manchego. But attempting to pair wine and cheese can make even a knowledgeable food lover’s palms sweat. Everyone thinks they have to be an expert, which saps away the fun of pairing!

That’s why I love nonwine cheese pairings. When something hasn’t been done before, that just means there’s no way to do it wrong. It’s all about experimentation and the fun of discovering your preferences (which, psst, is what all cheese pairing should be about!). And, who says you have to pair cheese with wine, anyway?

Here are some nonwine — and even…


When we talk about “cheese pairings,” we generally mean cheese paired with wine. This makes sense — there’s nothing like the magic of a Blanc de Blancs Champagne with a fluffy triple creme or a ruby-hued granacha with a giant hunk of manchego. But attempting to pair wine and cheese can make even a knowledgeable food lover’s palms sweat. Everyone thinks they have to be an expert, which saps away the fun of pairing!

That’s why I love nonwine cheese pairings. When something hasn’t been done before, that just means there’s no way to do it wrong. It’s all about experimentation and the fun of discovering your preferences (which, psst, is what all cheese pairing should be about!). And, who says you have to pair cheese with wine, anyway?

Here are some nonwine — and even…

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