Senior Planet Book Club: Conjure Women by Afia Atakora (Week 4)


We read Part 3 this week. Let us know what you think in the Book Lovers Club on Senior Planet Community!

The post Senior Planet Book Club: <em>Conjure Women</em> by Afia Atakora (Week 4) appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


We read Part 3 this week. Let us know what you think in the Book Lovers Club on Senior Planet Community!

The post Senior Planet Book Club: <em>Conjure Women</em> by Afia Atakora (Week 4) appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Become Your New Habit


By Leo Babauta

Quitting an old habit or forming a new habit is fairly simple when it comes to the steps to doing it: find your trigger and do a new habit at that trigger over and over. Remind yourself to do it. Make it rewarding.

The simplicity is deceptive, though: there are some physical urges and even more mental habits that keep us stuck in our old patterns.

The physical urges are not so hard: if you stay away from an old habit (like cigarettes) for a week, the urges die down. It’s the mental habits that trip us up. We have a way of seeing ourselves that includes our old habits (like smoking, eating a certain way, etc.) and so we form a bunch of mental habits that keep us stuck in that version of ourselves.

Here’s a method that will change everything for you: become your new habit.

Let’s take a concrete example:

  1. You want to quit smoking (or qu…


By Leo Babauta

Quitting an old habit or forming a new habit is fairly simple when it comes to the steps to doing it: find your trigger and do a new habit at that trigger over and over. Remind yourself to do it. Make it rewarding.

The simplicity is deceptive, though: there are some physical urges and even more mental habits that keep us stuck in our old patterns.

The physical urges are not so hard: if you stay away from an old habit (like cigarettes) for a week, the urges die down. It’s the mental habits that trip us up. We have a way of seeing ourselves that includes our old habits (like smoking, eating a certain way, etc.) and so we form a bunch of mental habits that keep us stuck in that version of ourselves.

Here’s a method that will change everything for you: become your new habit.

Let’s take a concrete example:

  1. You want to quit smoking (or qu…

Podcast 340 | Grounding


In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists are joined by earthing expert Clint Ober to discuss pain reduction, the science behind grounding, and “the most important health discovery ever,” and they answer the following questions:

  • What is the science behind grounding, and how do I explain it to loved ones who perceive it as metaphysical woo-woo?
  • How can grounding relieve much of our discomfort?
  • What are the most significant benefits of grounding, and what individuals would realize the most benefit from it?
  • What grounding tips do you have for individuals that use wheelchairs?
  • How did Clint come to recognize the personal benefits of grounding?
  • What are the best methods for grounding?
  • What is your perception regarding inflammation?
  • If grounding is so healthy, why does the pr…


In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists are joined by earthing expert Clint Ober to discuss pain reduction, the science behind grounding, and “the most important health discovery ever,” and they answer the following questions:

  • What is the science behind grounding, and how do I explain it to loved ones who perceive it as metaphysical woo-woo?
  • How can grounding relieve much of our discomfort?
  • What are the most significant benefits of grounding, and what individuals would realize the most benefit from it?
  • What grounding tips do you have for individuals that use wheelchairs?
  • How did Clint come to recognize the personal benefits of grounding?
  • What are the best methods for grounding?
  • What is your perception regarding inflammation?
  • If grounding is so healthy, why does the pr…

How Befriending My Anxiety and Depression Helped Ease My Pain


“‘What should I do?’ I asked myself. ‘Spend another two miserable years like this? Or should I truly welcome my panic?’ I decided to really let go of wanting to block, get rid of, or fight it. I would finally learn how to live with it, and to use it as support for my meditation and awareness. I welcomed it for real. What began to happen was that the panic was suspended in awareness. On the surface level was panic, but beneath it was awareness, holding it. This is because the vital first step to breaking the cycle of the anxious mind is to connect to awareness.” ~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

I have suffered with anxiety and depression for at least fifteen years. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t. They bo…


“‘What should I do?’ I asked myself. ‘Spend another two miserable years like this? Or should I truly welcome my panic?’ I decided to really let go of wanting to block, get rid of, or fight it. I would finally learn how to live with it, and to use it as support for my meditation and awareness. I welcomed it for real. What began to happen was that the panic was suspended in awareness. On the surface level was panic, but beneath it was awareness, holding it. This is because the vital first step to breaking the cycle of the anxious mind is to connect to awareness.” ~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

I have suffered with anxiety and depression for at least fifteen years. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t. They bo…

Ask Joan: Ending The Seven Year…Drought


Our Sex Columnist helps a reader seeking answers after a disasterous and insulting meeting with an OB-GYN.

The post Ask Joan: Ending The Seven Year…Drought appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.


Our Sex Columnist helps a reader seeking answers after a disasterous and insulting meeting with an OB-GYN.

The post Ask Joan: Ending The Seven Year…Drought appeared first on Senior Planet from AARP.

Snap Pea Salad with Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette


Snap Pea Salad with Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette

We always love the chance to highlight our favorite veggies, and the star of the show today is the (crunchy & sweet) snap pea! Our obsession with snap peas started earlier this year when we discovered the magic that is sautéed snap peas, and now we’re bringing you a simple and fresh snap pea salad!

This salad is the perfect balance of bright, tangy, and savory.

<a href="…


Snap Pea Salad with Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette

We always love the chance to highlight our favorite veggies, and the star of the show today is the (crunchy & sweet) snap pea! Our obsession with snap peas started earlier this year when we discovered the magic that is sautéed snap peas, and now we’re bringing you a simple and fresh snap pea salad!

This salad is the perfect balance of bright, tangy, and savory.

<a href="…

The Most Nutritious Summer Fruit You Can Eat


Basket of summer fruit
Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images

It doesn’t take a PhD in nutrition to know that fruits are healthy. (Fad diets that tell you otherwise are wrong!) The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber in fruits are vital to overall health — and may even offer protection against some cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

All fruit can find a place on your plate, but these are the healthiest fruits you can eat during <a href="/eat/summer…


Basket of summer fruit
Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images

It doesn’t take a PhD in nutrition to know that fruits are healthy. (Fad diets that tell you otherwise are wrong!) The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber in fruits are vital to overall health — and may even offer protection against some cancers, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

All fruit can find a place on your plate, but these are the healthiest fruits you can eat during <a href="/eat/summer…

An Interview with Researcher Thomas Kirkwood


Here find a popular science interview with Thomas Kirkwood on his contributions to present thought on how and why degenerative aging evolved to be near universal in living organisms. At the high level, what we think that we know about the evolution of aging does to some degree inform the approaches taken to treat aging: in advance of firm data, should we expect one strategy to be better than another, and thus prioritize it?

“I wondered why cells allow damage to build up in the first place. And the idea came to me then, which was the realisation that it takes energy to combat the build-up of damage. There are maintenance and repair processes, proofreading mechanisms to make sure you don’t do things wrong in …


Here find a popular science interview with Thomas Kirkwood on his contributions to present thought on how and why degenerative aging evolved to be near universal in living organisms. At the high level, what we think that we know about the evolution of aging does to some degree inform the approaches taken to treat aging: in advance of firm data, should we expect one strategy to be better than another, and thus prioritize it?

“I wondered why cells allow damage to build up in the first place. And the idea came to me then, which was the realisation that it takes energy to combat the build-up of damage. There are maintenance and repair processes, proofreading mechanisms to make sure you don’t do things wrong in …

Reviewing Mitochondria-Derived Peptides in Aging


Researchers have explored a number of mitochondria-derived peptides as a basis for treatments in the context of aging. These peptides are created from fragments of genes in the mitochondrial DNA, released from the cell, and appear to be involved in a range of mechanisms relevant to declining function in aging. Is it possible to supply such peptides as a therapy in order to produce benefits in an aged metabolism? A number of groups working towards that goal, on the basis of data in animal studies and humans patients.

The mechanisms that explain <a href="…


Researchers have explored a number of mitochondria-derived peptides as a basis for treatments in the context of aging. These peptides are created from fragments of genes in the mitochondrial DNA, released from the cell, and appear to be involved in a range of mechanisms relevant to declining function in aging. Is it possible to supply such peptides as a therapy in order to produce benefits in an aged metabolism? A number of groups working towards that goal, on the basis of data in animal studies and humans patients.

The mechanisms that explain <a href="…

Fight Aging! Newsletter, May 16th 2022


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • A Reduction in Epigenetic Age is not at this Time Sufficient Proof of Slowed Aging
  • The Aging Gut M…


Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter,
please visit:

Longevity Industry Consulting Services

Reason, the founder of Fight Aging! and Repair Biotechnologies, offers strategic consulting services to investors, entrepreneurs, and others interested in the longevity industry and its complexities. To find out more:


  • A Reduction in Epigenetic Age is not at this Time Sufficient Proof of Slowed Aging
  • The Aging Gut M…

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