Towards Enhanced Mitochondrial Fission to Improve Mitochondrial Function in Later Life


Mitochondrial function declines with age throughout the body. One of the better explored lines of investigation of this phenomenon focuses on changes in gene expression causing a reduction in mitochondrial fission, leading to impaired mitophagy, in turn leading to a build up of worn and dysfunctional mitochondria. Mitochondria are the descendants of ancient symbiotic bacteria, and they divide (fission) and join together (fusion) like bacteria. Mitophagy is the quality control mechanism responsible for removing damaged mitochondria, and it requires mitochondrial fissio…


Mitochondrial function declines with age throughout the body. One of the better explored lines of investigation of this phenomenon focuses on changes in gene expression causing a reduction in mitochondrial fission, leading to impaired mitophagy, in turn leading to a build up of worn and dysfunctional mitochondria. Mitochondria are the descendants of ancient symbiotic bacteria, and they divide (fission) and join together (fusion) like bacteria. Mitophagy is the quality control mechanism responsible for removing damaged mitochondria, and it requires mitochondrial fissio…

Senior Planet—by Design


Where do all those Senior Planet programs and classes come from? Here’s an inside look on Senior Planet…by Design.

The post Senior Planet—by Design appeared first on Senior Planet.


Where do all those Senior Planet programs and classes come from? Here’s an inside look on Senior Planet…by Design.

The post Senior Planet—by Design appeared first on Senior Planet.

Destroy What You Know


By Leo Babauta

We are held back from creating the life we want, from our highest purpose, from our greatest growth and learning … by what we know.

Destroy what you know.

Once we feel like we’re a little good at something, we cling to that. We cling to wanting others to think we know things and are good at things. We cling to the feeling of knowing what we’re doing.

This clinging gives us the gift of fear of changing the status quo, because that comes with the possibility of failure. The gift of wanting to look like we know something, of wanting to feel certainty. Of waiting until we feel we’re ready — which we never will.

If we want to take our learning and our lives to the next level, we have to let go of that clinging to what we know.

Let yourself dive into the fear of change. Be willing to change everything. Be willing to embrace not knowing, a new view, being a beginner.</…


By Leo Babauta

We are held back from creating the life we want, from our highest purpose, from our greatest growth and learning … by what we know.

Destroy what you know.

Once we feel like we’re a little good at something, we cling to that. We cling to wanting others to think we know things and are good at things. We cling to the feeling of knowing what we’re doing.

This clinging gives us the gift of fear of changing the status quo, because that comes with the possibility of failure. The gift of wanting to look like we know something, of wanting to feel certainty. Of waiting until we feel we’re ready — which we never will.

If we want to take our learning and our lives to the next level, we have to let go of that clinging to what we know.

Let yourself dive into the fear of change. Be willing to change everything. Be willing to embrace not knowing, a new view, being a beginner.</…

Considering Stem Cells in the Context of Cancer and Aging


Is it useful to think of cancer as a stem cell disease, a condition that (largely) arises because stem cells become dysfunctional? The evidence seems to suggest that at least some cancers arise from somatic cells taking on stem cell properties, while a body of work indicates that at least some cancerous tissues are supported by small populations of cancer stem cells that might be targeted for destruction. Here researchers are interested in the bigger picture, the nature of the relationship between stem cell function, stem cell resilience, cancer, and aging. In an era that will soon enough seen the widespread use of regenerative medicine and <a href="…


Is it useful to think of cancer as a stem cell disease, a condition that (largely) arises because stem cells become dysfunctional? The evidence seems to suggest that at least some cancers arise from somatic cells taking on stem cell properties, while a body of work indicates that at least some cancerous tissues are supported by small populations of cancer stem cells that might be targeted for destruction. Here researchers are interested in the bigger picture, the nature of the relationship between stem cell function, stem cell resilience, cancer, and aging. In an era that will soon enough seen the widespread use of regenerative medicine and <a href="…

Obsessed with Healthy Eating? 9 Things I’ve Learned Since Recovering from Orthorexia


“Sending love to everyone who’s doing their best to heal from things they don’t discuss.” ~Unknown

I used to obsess over healthy eating, and I mean OB-SESSSSS. I spent virtually every waking moment thinking about food. What should I eat today? Is there too much sugar in that? What will I eat when we go out next week? Should I claim that I’m allergic to gluten?

Although I didn’t know it at the time, I was suffering from orthorexia (that is, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating). Yes, I fully agree that eating nutritious food is good for you—there’s few who would deny that—but when you are thinking about food non-stop, something has definitely gone awry.

It all started innocently enough. My daughter (who’s my youngest) was about …


“Sending love to everyone who’s doing their best to heal from things they don’t discuss.” ~Unknown

I used to obsess over healthy eating, and I mean OB-SESSSSS. I spent virtually every waking moment thinking about food. What should I eat today? Is there too much sugar in that? What will I eat when we go out next week? Should I claim that I’m allergic to gluten?

Although I didn’t know it at the time, I was suffering from orthorexia (that is, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating). Yes, I fully agree that eating nutritious food is good for you—there’s few who would deny that—but when you are thinking about food non-stop, something has definitely gone awry.

It all started innocently enough. My daughter (who’s my youngest) was about …

The Ultimate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie


The Ultimate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

If you’re into smoothies that keep you full until lunchtime and don’t require a long list of ingredients or added protein powder, you’ll LOVE this peanut butter banana smoothie! 

It’s super delicious, filling, balanced, and comes together in 5 minutes with 4 simple ingredients! Keep it simple, or add optional spinach, flax, or hemp seeds for a nutrient boost. Let’s do this!

How to Make a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Get ready, because we’re about to show you how 4 simple ingredients (!) combin…


The Ultimate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

If you’re into smoothies that keep you full until lunchtime and don’t require a long list of ingredients or added protein powder, you’ll LOVE this peanut butter banana smoothie! 

It’s super delicious, filling, balanced, and comes together in 5 minutes with 4 simple ingredients! Keep it simple, or add optional spinach, flax, or hemp seeds for a nutrient boost. Let’s do this!

How to Make a Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Get ready, because we’re about to show you how 4 simple ingredients (!) combin…

Vibrant Celery Salad with Dates & Pistachios


Vibrant Celery Salad with Dates & Pistachios

We often find ourselves with leftover celery after making soups (anyone else?) and now we’ve found the tastiest way to use it up! This celery salad (with dates, mandarins, and pistachios, oh my!) is SO fresh, bright, and crunchy that you’ll wish you had leftover celery every week! 

It’s the perfect simple side or appetizer to pair with richer entrées.

<a href="…


Vibrant Celery Salad with Dates & Pistachios

We often find ourselves with leftover celery after making soups (anyone else?) and now we’ve found the tastiest way to use it up! This celery salad (with dates, mandarins, and pistachios, oh my!) is SO fresh, bright, and crunchy that you’ll wish you had leftover celery every week! 

It’s the perfect simple side or appetizer to pair with richer entrées.

<a href="…

Senior Planet Book Club: The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra (Week 3)


We read up to Chapter 13 this week. Let’s discuss.

The post Senior Planet Book Club: <em>The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra</em> (Week 3) appeared first on Senior Planet.


We read up to Chapter 13 this week. Let’s discuss.

The post Senior Planet Book Club: <em>The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra</em> (Week 3) appeared first on Senior Planet.

The Effective Altruism Community on the Merits of Philanthropy to Advance Cryonics for Brain Preservation


The effective altruism community is concerned with practical utilitarianism and efficiency in the matter of philanthropy. This can range from avoidance of inefficient charities, and the infrastructure needed for more people to find out which organizations are in fact efficient in their chosen field, to comparisons between philanthropic causes with the aim of finding the greatest gain for a given donation. Since the greatest cause of human suffering, by far, is aging, it is naturally the case that effective altruists frequently discuss rejuvenation biotechnology. A related field is that of the cryonics industry and cryopreservation, low-temperature storage of at least the brain on death, to save l…


The effective altruism community is concerned with practical utilitarianism and efficiency in the matter of philanthropy. This can range from avoidance of inefficient charities, and the infrastructure needed for more people to find out which organizations are in fact efficient in their chosen field, to comparisons between philanthropic causes with the aim of finding the greatest gain for a given donation. Since the greatest cause of human suffering, by far, is aging, it is naturally the case that effective altruists frequently discuss rejuvenation biotechnology. A related field is that of the cryonics industry and cryopreservation, low-temperature storage of at least the brain on death, to save l…

How I Overcame Shame from Sexual Assault and Began to Love Myself


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

It was Saturday, August 29th, 2020, when I admitted to myself, for the very first time, that I was a victim of sexual assault as a child.

Twenty-five years of complete denial that this ever happened, and suddenly all I could think of was the fact that my innocence was taken at the age of five. “Why now?” I wondered. “Why does it suddenly matter? Was I so resentful of my trauma that I denied its existence altogether?”

Between the ages of five and eight, I was repeatedly molested by a family member. Although I wasn’t sure what was happening, I knew two things: This felt pleasurable, and therefore, there was something inherently wrong with me.

I carri…


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.

It was Saturday, August 29th, 2020, when I admitted to myself, for the very first time, that I was a victim of sexual assault as a child.

Twenty-five years of complete denial that this ever happened, and suddenly all I could think of was the fact that my innocence was taken at the age of five. “Why now?” I wondered. “Why does it suddenly matter? Was I so resentful of my trauma that I denied its existence altogether?”

Between the ages of five and eight, I was repeatedly molested by a family member. Although I wasn’t sure what was happening, I knew two things: This felt pleasurable, and therefore, there was something inherently wrong with me.

I carri…

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