The Effective Altruism Community on the Merits of Philanthropy to Advance Cryonics for Brain Preservation


The effective altruism community is concerned with practical utilitarianism and efficiency in the matter of philanthropy. This can range from avoidance of inefficient charities, and the infrastructure needed for more people to find out which organizations are in fact efficient in their chosen field, to comparisons between philanthropic causes with the aim of finding the greatest gain for a given donation. Since the greatest cause of human suffering, by far, is aging, it is naturally the case that effective altruists frequently discuss rejuvenation biotechnology. A related field is that of the cryonics industry and cryopreservation, low-temperature storage of at least the brain on death, to save l…


The effective altruism community is concerned with practical utilitarianism and efficiency in the matter of philanthropy. This can range from avoidance of inefficient charities, and the infrastructure needed for more people to find out which organizations are in fact efficient in their chosen field, to comparisons between philanthropic causes with the aim of finding the greatest gain for a given donation. Since the greatest cause of human suffering, by far, is aging, it is naturally the case that effective altruists frequently discuss rejuvenation biotechnology. A related field is that of the cryonics industry and cryopreservation, low-temperature storage of at least the brain on death, to save l…

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