Cheese Nutrition and Health Benefits: A Homage to Fromage


Ah, cheese. Whether you prefer it ooey-gooey or uber-pungent, most folks would agree cheese is delish. But cheese also gets a bad rap as a food people are quick to label “unhealthy.”

Here’s the Gouda news: Cheese is generally considered a whole food that’s good for you in moderation and offers a healthy dose of nutrients.

But cheese nutrition is complicated. Most cheese is high in calories, protein, fat, calcium, and sodium. But the nutrition varies based on type, production, and aging, so the only way to pick the healthiest cheese for you is to read the nutrition facts.

And, like any food, you can eat too much of a good-for-you food (the cheese plate was really asking for it).

Let’s dive into the scie…


Ah, cheese. Whether you prefer it ooey-gooey or uber-pungent, most folks would agree cheese is delish. But cheese also gets a bad rap as a food people are quick to label “unhealthy.”

Here’s the Gouda news: Cheese is generally considered a whole food that’s good for you in moderation and offers a healthy dose of nutrients.

But cheese nutrition is complicated. Most cheese is high in calories, protein, fat, calcium, and sodium. But the nutrition varies based on type, production, and aging, so the only way to pick the healthiest cheese for you is to read the nutrition facts.

And, like any food, you can eat too much of a good-for-you food (the cheese plate was really asking for it).

Let’s dive into the scie…

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