Innate Immune cGAS/STING Signaling is Both Necessary and Pathological


Chronic, unresolved inflammation is a feature of aging. When the immune system is constantly active in this way, the consequent altered cell behavior throughout the body becomes disruptive to tissue and organ function, harmful to the individual. Chronic inflammation accelerates the onset and progression of all of the common fatal age-related conditions. This unwanted inflammatory signaling arises from many different roots, including the growing presence of senescent cells, but also the interaction of innate immune sensors with other forms of age-related dysfunction. For example, damage-associated molecular pa…


Chronic, unresolved inflammation is a feature of aging. When the immune system is constantly active in this way, the consequent altered cell behavior throughout the body becomes disruptive to tissue and organ function, harmful to the individual. Chronic inflammation accelerates the onset and progression of all of the common fatal age-related conditions. This unwanted inflammatory signaling arises from many different roots, including the growing presence of senescent cells, but also the interaction of innate immune sensors with other forms of age-related dysfunction. For example, damage-associated molecular pa…

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