Inner Thigh Blackheads: Causes, Treatments, and When to See a Doctor


Blackheads on the inner thigh are common and nothing to be ashamed of. They can often be treated with the same methods as facial blackheads. However, if a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is to blame, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Blackheads on your nose are bad enough. But blackheads on your thighs? It just feels cruel. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to treat them.

So if you’re wearing shorts in yoga class and you happen to find pesky pore pustules during your next butterfly pose, fear not! We’ll walk you through some ways to help tame those inner thigh blackheads. 

What causes blackheads on inner thighs?

Zits are totally normal. They occur when dead skin cells mix with oils, sweat, and debris and clog the pores. When this gunk oxidizes (makes contact with air) it can turn black. And voilà! …


Blackheads on the inner thigh are common and nothing to be ashamed of. They can often be treated with the same methods as facial blackheads. However, if a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is to blame, you may need to talk to a doctor.

Blackheads on your nose are bad enough. But blackheads on your thighs? It just feels cruel. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to treat them.

So if you’re wearing shorts in yoga class and you happen to find pesky pore pustules during your next butterfly pose, fear not! We’ll walk you through some ways to help tame those inner thigh blackheads. 

What causes blackheads on inner thighs?

Zits are totally normal. They occur when dead skin cells mix with oils, sweat, and debris and clog the pores. When this gunk oxidizes (makes contact with air) it can turn black. And voilà! …

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