Intermittent Hypoxia Doubles Nematode Life Span


A number of interventions can produce a doubling or greater extension of life span in the nematode C. elegans. Nematode worms demonstrate the plasticity of longevity in short-lived animals, far greater than is the case in long-lived mammals such as our own species. Interventions that alter metabolism in ways that upregulate cellular stress responses, and in doing so produce greatly extended nematode longevity, might be expected to only improve long-term health and add a few years of life in humans. We only have to look at the practice of calorie restriction to see a direct comparison and illustration of this point. Thus while it is interesting to see in this preprint…


A number of interventions can produce a doubling or greater extension of life span in the nematode C. elegans. Nematode worms demonstrate the plasticity of longevity in short-lived animals, far greater than is the case in long-lived mammals such as our own species. Interventions that alter metabolism in ways that upregulate cellular stress responses, and in doing so produce greatly extended nematode longevity, might be expected to only improve long-term health and add a few years of life in humans. We only have to look at the practice of calorie restriction to see a direct comparison and illustration of this point. Thus while it is interesting to see in this preprint…

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