Masks Optional Decision


I went mask optional at Tucson Strength last week when the governor said the mandates were no longer law. I have received some feedback and a small handful people are not happy, but most are happy we are no longer requiring it.

The biggest reason we went mask optional is that my highest risk population of 60 and above are vaccinated. Many of my younger clientele that have wanted to get vaccinated are also vaccinated. We have a 13,000sqft facility and are never near capacity. The only documented incidents from gyms spreading the virus were in small studio settings where people were partaking in HIIT/Spin classes training closely together, and that does not apply to our gym.

We are still holding our higher intensity classes outside for the time being since people tend to breathe heavier in those situations.

Though you can exercise while wearing a mask, it isn’t optimal. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. The WHO still suggests to NOT wear a…


I went mask optional at Tucson Strength last week when the governor said the mandates were no longer law. I have received some feedback and a small handful people are not happy, but most are happy we are no longer requiring it.

The biggest reason we went mask optional is that my highest risk population of 60 and above are vaccinated. Many of my younger clientele that have wanted to get vaccinated are also vaccinated. We have a 13,000sqft facility and are never near capacity. The only documented incidents from gyms spreading the virus were in small studio settings where people were partaking in HIIT/Spin classes training closely together, and that does not apply to our gym.

We are still holding our higher intensity classes outside for the time being since people tend to breathe heavier in those situations.

Though you can exercise while wearing a mask, it isn’t optimal. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. The WHO still suggests to NOT wear a…

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