Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Atherosclerosis


Atherosclerosis is the build up of fatty plaques in blood vessels, narrowing and weakening them. This leads to heart failure, heart attack, and stroke when vessels or plaques rupture. The core problem is that the macrophage cells responsible for clearing lipids from blood vessel walls become dysfunctional with age. Contributing factors that increase with age include chronic inflammatory signaling that shifts macrophage behavior away from repair activities, and the presence of <a href="https:/…


Atherosclerosis is the build up of fatty plaques in blood vessels, narrowing and weakening them. This leads to heart failure, heart attack, and stroke when vessels or plaques rupture. The core problem is that the macrophage cells responsible for clearing lipids from blood vessel walls become dysfunctional with age. Contributing factors that increase with age include chronic inflammatory signaling that shifts macrophage behavior away from repair activities, and the presence of <a href="https:/…

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