Oh, the Rationalizations Your Brain Will Dream Up!

Source http://zenhabits.net/rationalizations/

NOTE: I’ve just written a new ebook called “Fearless Purpose: Training with the Uncertainty & Anxiety of Your Meaningful Work,” that will be released early next week! I’m really excited about it and think you’ll find it very valuable. I’m including a series of instructional videos and meditations with it as well.

“Kid, you’ll move mountains.” ~Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

By Leo Babauta

As I work with people to change their habits and help them dive fearless into their meaningful work … there is one common obstacle that gets in the way, over and over.

The obstacle is the brain’s rationalizations. It turns out, the human brain is extremely good at coming up with powerful rationalizations that sound true, that help protect the brain from doing a…

Source http://zenhabits.net/rationalizations/

NOTE: I’ve just written a new ebook called “Fearless Purpose: Training with the Uncertainty & Anxiety of Your Meaningful Work,” that will be released early next week! I’m really excited about it and think you’ll find it very valuable. I’m including a series of instructional videos and meditations with it as well.

“Kid, you’ll move mountains.” ~Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

By Leo Babauta

As I work with people to change their habits and help them dive fearless into their meaningful work … there is one common obstacle that gets in the way, over and over.

The obstacle is the brain’s rationalizations. It turns out, the human brain is extremely good at coming up with powerful rationalizations that sound true, that help protect the brain from doing a…

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