Relax Into Structure in Your Day


By Leo Babauta

There’s something in many of us that resists structure — we want the freedom of not having to do something, of being able to just relax.

There’s something to that: freedom and going through our day feeling open and relaxed is really nice!

Unfortunately, that’s not actually how things usually go for most people. We rebel against any structure we create for ourselves, and then things get messy. Which is not a problem … until that messiness causes anxiety and then we run to distractions and comforts. This all leads to a huge mess.

That mess is an opportunity. To practice with the messiness and discomfort. To create structure that will serve you. And to relax into that structure so that it doesn’t have to feel suffocating.

Creating Structure to Serve You

If you’re someone who doesn’t like structure — for example, having a schedule where you have to do…


By Leo Babauta

There’s something in many of us that resists structure — we want the freedom of not having to do something, of being able to just relax.

There’s something to that: freedom and going through our day feeling open and relaxed is really nice!

Unfortunately, that’s not actually how things usually go for most people. We rebel against any structure we create for ourselves, and then things get messy. Which is not a problem … until that messiness causes anxiety and then we run to distractions and comforts. This all leads to a huge mess.

That mess is an opportunity. To practice with the messiness and discomfort. To create structure that will serve you. And to relax into that structure so that it doesn’t have to feel suffocating.

Creating Structure to Serve You

If you’re someone who doesn’t like structure — for example, having a schedule where you have to do…

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