Vegan Tiramisu Pudding Cups


Vegan Tiramisu Pudding Cups

Creamy, rich vegan pudding that tastes like tiramisu and comes together with just 7 simple ingredients!? This is what dessert dreams are made of, friends! This tiramisu-inspired dessert features a decadent, coffee-infused, cashew-based pudding topped with a thin layer of chocolate ganache.

It’s an easy, no-bake, crowd-pleasing dessert perfect for hot summer days, holidays, and beyond. Bonus? It comes together effortlessly, with just 20 minutes of hands-on prep time required.



Vegan Tiramisu Pudding Cups

Creamy, rich vegan pudding that tastes like tiramisu and comes together with just 7 simple ingredients!? This is what dessert dreams are made of, friends! This tiramisu-inspired dessert features a decadent, coffee-infused, cashew-based pudding topped with a thin layer of chocolate ganache.

It’s an easy, no-bake, crowd-pleasing dessert perfect for hot summer days, holidays, and beyond. Bonus? It comes together effortlessly, with just 20 minutes of hands-on prep time required.


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