Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book!


Which book should we read next?

The post Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book! appeared first on Senior Planet.


Which book should we read next?

The post Senior Planet Book Club: Vote For Our Next Book! appeared first on Senior Planet.

The Magic of Rewriting Our Most Painful Stories


“When you bring peace to your past, you can move forward to your future.” ~Unknown

It amazes me how things that happen in our childhood can greatly impact our adult lives. I learned the hard way that I was living my life with a deep wound in my heart.

My father was a very strict man with a temper when I was little, starting when I was around seven years old.

He had a way of making me feel like all my efforts were not enough. If I scored an 8 in a math exam, he would say, “Why 8 and not 10?” and then punish me. It was a time when some parents thought that beating their children was a way to “put them in place” and teach them a lesson. All this taught me, though, was that I was a disappointment.

His favorite phrase was “You …


“When you bring peace to your past, you can move forward to your future.” ~Unknown

It amazes me how things that happen in our childhood can greatly impact our adult lives. I learned the hard way that I was living my life with a deep wound in my heart.

My father was a very strict man with a temper when I was little, starting when I was around seven years old.

He had a way of making me feel like all my efforts were not enough. If I scored an 8 in a math exam, he would say, “Why 8 and not 10?” and then punish me. It was a time when some parents thought that beating their children was a way to “put them in place” and teach them a lesson. All this taught me, though, was that I was a disappointment.

His favorite phrase was “You …

The Goal of Geroscience is Life Extension


It is only comparatively recently that the research community has become supportive of efforts to treat aging as a medical condition, with researchers able to publish and speak in public on the topic without risking their careers. Even so, few researchers in this more receptive environment have been willing to be clear that the goal of treating aging is to greatly extend healthy life span, not just improve health within the life span we presently enjoy. We can hope that this too will change, and extending the healthy human life span will also come to be a topic of clear public discussion by the broader scientific community.

One cannot have large increases in life span without improved health: the two are tightly linked. Aging is nothing more than <a href="…


It is only comparatively recently that the research community has become supportive of efforts to treat aging as a medical condition, with researchers able to publish and speak in public on the topic without risking their careers. Even so, few researchers in this more receptive environment have been willing to be clear that the goal of treating aging is to greatly extend healthy life span, not just improve health within the life span we presently enjoy. We can hope that this too will change, and extending the healthy human life span will also come to be a topic of clear public discussion by the broader scientific community.

One cannot have large increases in life span without improved health: the two are tightly linked. Aging is nothing more than <a href="…

Large Body Size in Mammals is Accompanied by Duplication of Tumor Suppressor Genes


Larger mammals have many more cells than smaller mammals, and cancer risk increases with cell count, all other things being equal. Between species, body size does not correlate with cancer risk, however. Since species such as elephants and whales do not suffer an enormous rate of cancer in comparison to humans, clearly there are important differences in cellular biochemistry between these species. One example is that elephants have been found to have many copies of the tumor suppressor gene p53, and here researchers explore further to show that elephants have many copies of other tumor suppressor genes as well, each of which contributes to an overall lower risk of cancer despite a large body with many cells. Looking at other large mammals, this appears to be a fairly general mechanism ac…


Larger mammals have many more cells than smaller mammals, and cancer risk increases with cell count, all other things being equal. Between species, body size does not correlate with cancer risk, however. Since species such as elephants and whales do not suffer an enormous rate of cancer in comparison to humans, clearly there are important differences in cellular biochemistry between these species. One example is that elephants have been found to have many copies of the tumor suppressor gene p53, and here researchers explore further to show that elephants have many copies of other tumor suppressor genes as well, each of which contributes to an overall lower risk of cancer despite a large body with many cells. Looking at other large mammals, this appears to be a fairly general mechanism ac…

A Profile of Repair Biotechnologies, Working to End Atherosclerosis


Repair Biotechnologies is the company I founded with Bill Cherman a few years ago, to work on interesting projects in the rejuvenation biotechnology space. Time flies when one is busy. Our primary focus these days is the development of what we call the cholesterol degrading platform (CDP), a technology that does exactly what one would expect from the name. Localized excesses of cholesterol – and particularly toxic, altered forms of cholesterol – lie at the root of numerous serious medical conditions, and contribute to a lesser degree to many more.

Of those conditions <a href="…


Repair Biotechnologies is the company I founded with Bill Cherman a few years ago, to work on interesting projects in the rejuvenation biotechnology space. Time flies when one is busy. Our primary focus these days is the development of what we call the cholesterol degrading platform (CDP), a technology that does exactly what one would expect from the name. Localized excesses of cholesterol – and particularly toxic, altered forms of cholesterol – lie at the root of numerous serious medical conditions, and contribute to a lesser degree to many more.

Of those conditions <a href="…

Towards Therapies Targeting the Mechanisms of Transthyretin Amyloidosis


There are twenty or so different proteins in the human body that can form amyloids, a misfolding of the protein that can encourage other molecules of the same protein to misfold in the same way. These misfolded proteins join together to form solid deposits – amyloids – that are associated with a complex, problematic biochemistry that disrupts cell and tissue function. Once underway in earnest, this formation of amyloids and the resulting pathology is known as amyloidosis.

Transthyretin is one of the proteins capable of forming amyloid, and transthyretin amyloidosis is found to some degree in every older individual. Most past research has focused on genetic mutations that c…


There are twenty or so different proteins in the human body that can form amyloids, a misfolding of the protein that can encourage other molecules of the same protein to misfold in the same way. These misfolded proteins join together to form solid deposits – amyloids – that are associated with a complex, problematic biochemistry that disrupts cell and tissue function. Once underway in earnest, this formation of amyloids and the resulting pathology is known as amyloidosis.

Transthyretin is one of the proteins capable of forming amyloid, and transthyretin amyloidosis is found to some degree in every older individual. Most past research has focused on genetic mutations that c…

How to Stop Procrastinating When Things Feel Hard or Scary


“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” ~Louise L. Hay

I dreamed of starting my own business for years. Ten years, exactly.

While there are a few reasons it took so long to take the plunge, procrastination is at the top of the list.

It’s hard work to change careers, uncomfortable to leave a steady paycheck, and nerve-wracking to think of failure.

Even after spending months and years learning, studying, and getting certified, when it was no longer a matter of having the skills, the uncertainty of success was enough for me to keep kicking the can down the road to start marketing myself.

I was afraid of failing. I was afraid of not being perf…


“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” ~Louise L. Hay

I dreamed of starting my own business for years. Ten years, exactly.

While there are a few reasons it took so long to take the plunge, procrastination is at the top of the list.

It’s hard work to change careers, uncomfortable to leave a steady paycheck, and nerve-wracking to think of failure.

Even after spending months and years learning, studying, and getting certified, when it was no longer a matter of having the skills, the uncertainty of success was enough for me to keep kicking the can down the road to start marketing myself.

I was afraid of failing. I was afraid of not being perf…

Podcast 274 | Organized Kids


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about raising organized children with behavioral and developmental pediatrician <a …


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua and Ryan talk about raising organized children with behavioral and developmental pediatrician <a …

Why You Need Short- and Long-Term Goals


You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Do you have short- and long-term goals you want to achieve?

If not, perhaps this will convince you to concoct your own as I discuss why you should have both, and how to go about choosing them.

Why Long-Term Goals?

Because these take dedication, patience, and commitment to achieve. These are the hard things. And they don’t always come linearly. Sometimes we must reevalua…


You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Do you have short- and long-term goals you want to achieve?

If not, perhaps this will convince you to concoct your own as I discuss why you should have both, and how to go about choosing them.

Why Long-Term Goals?

Because these take dedication, patience, and commitment to achieve. These are the hard things. And they don’t always come linearly. Sometimes we must reevalua…

Banana Bread Steel Cut Oats (Instant Pot Friendly!)


Banana Bread Steel Cut Oats (Instant Pot Friendly!)

After perfecting our Instant Pot steel cut oats recipe, this banana bread-inspired flavor was begging to be made. It’s like banana bread but without the effort and with tons of wholesome nutrition.

And when made in the Instant Pot, it’s hands off and couldn’t be easier. Just 1 pot and 7 ingredients required. Let us show you how it’s done!

Ripe banana is sliced and cooked in with the oats to infuse them with natural sweetness and banana in every bite.

<a href="https…


Banana Bread Steel Cut Oats (Instant Pot Friendly!)

After perfecting our Instant Pot steel cut oats recipe, this banana bread-inspired flavor was begging to be made. It’s like banana bread but without the effort and with tons of wholesome nutrition.

And when made in the Instant Pot, it’s hands off and couldn’t be easier. Just 1 pot and 7 ingredients required. Let us show you how it’s done!

Ripe banana is sliced and cooked in with the oats to infuse them with natural sweetness and banana in every bite.

<a href="https…

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