
Serotonin may play important role in brain-aging


by Amanda Oldt for Healio: Recent findings suggested the serotonin system may be an effective target for prevention and treatment of mild cognitive impairment. “Now that we have more evidence that serotonin is a chemical that appears affected early in……


by Amanda Oldt for Healio: Recent findings suggested the serotonin system may be an effective target for prevention and treatment of mild cognitive impairment. “Now that we have more evidence that serotonin is a chemical that appears affected early in……

Menu Labeling: the saga goes on and on


Listing calories in chain restaurants, you may recall, was authorized by Congress as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

That was an astonishing seven years ago.  In the interim, the FDA wrote regulations, took public comments, rewrote regulations, scheduled them for implementation in 2017, and delayed them until 2018.

New York City, you might also recall, instituted menu labeling in 2008.  The world did not come to an end.

The City said it would go ahead and implement the federal version of the rules as originally scheduled.

The National Association of Convenience Stores objected (the industry has opposed menu labeling from the get go) and went to court to stop the City from doing this.

The FDA—a public health agency, mind you—is supporting industry in this suit.

Even if the City’s characterization of the FDA’s posture as a delay were correct, which it
is not, the City cannot rely upon a supposed void created by the agency to justify its positi…


Listing calories in chain restaurants, you may recall, was authorized by Congress as part of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

That was an astonishing seven years ago.  In the interim, the FDA wrote regulations, took public comments, rewrote regulations, scheduled them for implementation in 2017, and delayed them until 2018.

New York City, you might also recall, instituted menu labeling in 2008.  The world did not come to an end.

The City said it would go ahead and implement the federal version of the rules as originally scheduled.

The National Association of Convenience Stores objected (the industry has opposed menu labeling from the get go) and went to court to stop the City from doing this.

The FDA—a public health agency, mind you—is supporting industry in this suit.

Even if the City’s characterization of the FDA’s posture as a delay were correct, which it
is not, the City cannot rely upon a supposed void created by the agency to justify its positi…

Brain Fog? Nutritional Supplements Can Clear Your Head


What causes brain fog? Experts say it can be the result of several conditions including poor diet, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and insomnia. Brains also lose sharpness as they age. Fortunately, brain fog doesn’t have to be permanent. “Brain fog routinely resolves with treatment,” says Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. Below are four nutritional supplements that can break

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What causes brain fog? Experts say it can be the result of several conditions including poor diet, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and insomnia. Brains also lose sharpness as they age. Fortunately, brain fog doesn’t have to be permanent. “Brain fog routinely resolves with treatment,” says Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. Below are four nutritional supplements that can break

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Studies reinforce the critical importance of ADHD treatment monitoring



As the new school year approaches, let me highlight the essential value of ADHD treatment monitoring. Even when a child’s treatment has been going well, response to treatment can change over time. This is true for medication treatment, or any other treatment a child is receiving. By regularly monitoring how a child is doing at school, parents and professionals are alerted early on to when modifications and adjustments to a child’s treatment is needed. This can prevent substantial time from going by when a child is struggling more than may be necessary.

When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents confront the difficult decision about which treatment(s) to pursu…



As the new school year approaches, let me highlight the essential value of ADHD treatment monitoring. Even when a child’s treatment has been going well, response to treatment can change over time. This is true for medication treatment, or any other treatment a child is receiving. By regularly monitoring how a child is doing at school, parents and professionals are alerted early on to when modifications and adjustments to a child’s treatment is needed. This can prevent substantial time from going by when a child is struggling more than may be necessary.

When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents confront the difficult decision about which treatment(s) to pursu…

Podcast 092 | Smallstuff


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua & Ryan visit Spokane, and they answer the following questions:

  • How do I minimize the many accoutrements I have for the many passions I pursue?
  • How do you ensure you’re adding the appropriate amount of value to a relationship?
  • What advice do you have for ensuring you don’t lose memories when you let go of sentimental items?
  • How do I minimize a plethora of paper documents I’ve saved and filed just in case I need them?
  • How do you explain your new minimalist lifestyle to former colleagues who are non-minimalists without bragging or sounding elitist?
  • What advice do you have for someone considering which mortgage term is …


By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus ·

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast, Joshua & Ryan visit Spokane, and they answer the following questions:

  • How do I minimize the many accoutrements I have for the many passions I pursue?
  • How do you ensure you’re adding the appropriate amount of value to a relationship?
  • What advice do you have for ensuring you don’t lose memories when you let go of sentimental items?
  • How do I minimize a plethora of paper documents I’ve saved and filed just in case I need them?
  • How do you explain your new minimalist lifestyle to former colleagues who are non-minimalists without bragging or sounding elitist?
  • What advice do you have for someone considering which mortgage term is …

August Hike


Hike to Mason Lake

Join us on a challenging 6.2 mile hike with just over 2400 feet of elevation gain. Payoff is the view and a swim! We are starting this hike earlier than usual to avoid the heat and hopefully find a spot in the parking lot!
From Seattle, drive east on I-90 to exit 45. Turn left and cross under the highway, then veer left onto FR-9030. About one mile from the exit, stay left at the fork onto Mason Lake Road, FR-9031. Park in the lot at the end of this road, 3.8 miles from the highway.
Parking Pass/Entry Fee: Northwest Forest Pass 

Sunday, August 13th @ 8am

*Let us know if you want or need to carpool.


Hike to Mason Lake

Join us on a challenging 6.2 mile hike with just over 2400 feet of elevation gain. Payoff is the view and a swim! We are starting this hike earlier than usual to avoid the heat and hopefully find a spot in the parking lot!
From Seattle, drive east on I-90 to exit 45. Turn left and cross under the highway, then veer left onto FR-9030. About one mile from the exit, stay left at the fork onto Mason Lake Road, FR-9031. Park in the lot at the end of this road, 3.8 miles from the highway.
Parking Pass/Entry Fee: Northwest Forest Pass 

Sunday, August 13th @ 8am

*Let us know if you want or need to carpool.

Easy Ways to Break Your Afternoon Energy Slump


by Kim Hayes, AARP, August 18, 2017|Comments: 0. mature couple taking a nap
. Getty Images … AARP Membership: Join or Renew for Just $16 a Year ……


by Kim Hayes, AARP, August 18, 2017|Comments: 0. mature couple taking a nap
. Getty Images … AARP Membership: Join or Renew for Just $16 a Year ……

Can Anyone, Even Walmart, Stem The Heat-Trapping Flood Of Nitrogen On Farms?


Walmart has promised big cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases. To meet that goal, though, the giant retailer may have to persuade farmers to use less fertilizer. It won’t be easy.

(Image credit: TheBusman/Getty Images)


Walmart has promised big cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases. To meet that goal, though, the giant retailer may have to persuade farmers to use less fertilizer. It won’t be easy.

(Image credit: TheBusman/Getty Images)

Ayurvedic Remedies for PMS That Really Work


Some of the most common health complaints among my female patients are irregular cycles, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and pain from menstrual cramps. Ayurveda provides natural, effective solutions for many of these symptoms, especially for those who currently rely on over-the-counter pain medicines for relief.

How Ayurveda Views the Menstrual Cycle

It’s helpful to understand how this ancient holistic health system sees the reproductive stages of a woman’s life. In Ayurveda, a woman’s lifespan is divided into three sections, each dominated by a different dosha, or biological energy. The first stage, from birth until the first menstruation, is dominated by kapha, the energy of water and earth. The middle part of life, or the childbearing years, from around ages 15 to 50, is ruled by pitta, the fire energy. The last stage of life is governed by vata, or the air energy. Of course, the exact ages vary from person to person, but these are the three general stages of life.

A healthy menstrual cycle runs like clockwork. This can only happen if, primarily, the pitta energy is healthy since it’s the energy that generally most influences the menstrual cycle. Ayurveda says the nourishment that the female body receives is divided between two secondary tissues—breast and uterine—before reaching the rest of the body. When a woman is reproductively …


Some of the most common health complaints among my female patients are irregular cycles, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), and pain from menstrual cramps. Ayurveda provides natural, effective solutions for many of these symptoms, especially for those who currently rely on over-the-counter pain medicines for relief.

How Ayurveda Views the Menstrual Cycle

It’s helpful to understand how this ancient holistic health system sees the reproductive stages of a woman’s life. In Ayurveda, a woman’s lifespan is divided into three sections, each dominated by a different dosha, or biological energy. The first stage, from birth until the first menstruation, is dominated by kapha, the energy of water and earth. The middle part of life, or the childbearing years, from around ages 15 to 50, is ruled by pitta, the fire energy. The last stage of life is governed by vata, or the air energy. Of course, the exact ages vary from person to person, but these are the three general stages of life.

A healthy menstrual cycle runs like clockwork. This can only happen if, primarily, the pitta energy is healthy since it’s the energy that generally most influences the menstrual cycle. Ayurveda says the nourishment that the female body receives is divided between two secondary tissues—breast and uterine—before reaching the rest of the body. When a woman is reproductively …

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