
The Promise


Some assisted living residences (ALR) provide good and safe care to elders. Most directors of admissions are honest and caring. However, a substantial portion of ALR provide poor and dangerous care and use deceptive marketing practices. This poem is based on the devastating experiences of hundreds of families whose loved ones were neglected, abused, and financially exploited in ALR in Minnesota….


Some assisted living residences (ALR) provide good and safe care to elders. Most directors of admissions are honest and caring. However, a substantial portion of ALR provide poor and dangerous care and use deceptive marketing practices. This poem is based on the devastating experiences of hundreds of families whose loved ones were neglected, abused, and financially exploited in ALR in Minnesota….

Bone up on a key health issue!


At risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis? Take our quiz and test your bone health smarts.

The post Bone up on a key health issue! appeared first on Senior Planet.


At risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis? Take our quiz and test your bone health smarts.

The post Bone up on a key health issue! appeared first on Senior Planet.

Meaningful Impact When the New World Has Not Emerged Yet


By Leo Babauta

Our old lives are gone, and the new world has not been created yet. We’re in an in between state right now, and this can feel really shaky for a lot of us.

There is a way that this in-between state, before the new reality emerges, can cause us to distract ourselves, to be pulled in a thousand directions, and to question everything we’re doing.

If that’s happening for you, you’re not alone. This in-between state of emergence can feel chaotic.

It’s also filled with immense possibility.

It’s in this in-between state that we get to reinvent ourselves. Reinvent who we want to be, what kind of impact we’d like to create. We get to reinvent the new world, as it emerges!

Let me repeat that: from this in-between, chaotic state … we get to reinvent the world.

How freaking breathtaking.

Someone aske…


By Leo Babauta

Our old lives are gone, and the new world has not been created yet. We’re in an in between state right now, and this can feel really shaky for a lot of us.

There is a way that this in-between state, before the new reality emerges, can cause us to distract ourselves, to be pulled in a thousand directions, and to question everything we’re doing.

If that’s happening for you, you’re not alone. This in-between state of emergence can feel chaotic.

It’s also filled with immense possibility.

It’s in this in-between state that we get to reinvent ourselves. Reinvent who we want to be, what kind of impact we’d like to create. We get to reinvent the new world, as it emerges!

Let me repeat that: from this in-between, chaotic state … we get to reinvent the world.

How freaking breathtaking.

Someone aske…

Retro Fitness Bulks Up Executive Roster Appointing Former Planet Fitness Executive Chief Development Officer


Retro Fitness Bulks Up Executive Roster Appointing Former Planet Fitness Executive Chief Development Officer
Thu, 03/11/2021 – 11:28


Retro Fitness Bulks Up Executive Roster Appointing Former Planet Fitness Executive Chief Development Officer
Thu, 03/11/2021 – 11:28

Why I Now Love That I’m Different After Hating It for Years


“Only recently have I realized that being different is not something you want to hide or squelch or suppress.” ~Amy Gerstler

I grew up during the traditional times of the sixties and seventies. Dad went out to work and earned the family income, while Mom worked at home raising their children. We were a family of seven. My brother was the first-born and he was followed by four sisters. I was the middle child.

I did not quite know where I belonged. I oscillated between my older two and younger two siblings, feeling like the third wheel no matter where I was.

I was the one in my family that was “different.” I was uncomfortable in groups, emotionally sensitive, intolerant of loud noises, and did not find most jokes funny. Especially when the jokes were at …


“Only recently have I realized that being different is not something you want to hide or squelch or suppress.” ~Amy Gerstler

I grew up during the traditional times of the sixties and seventies. Dad went out to work and earned the family income, while Mom worked at home raising their children. We were a family of seven. My brother was the first-born and he was followed by four sisters. I was the middle child.

I did not quite know where I belonged. I oscillated between my older two and younger two siblings, feeling like the third wheel no matter where I was.

I was the one in my family that was “different.” I was uncomfortable in groups, emotionally sensitive, intolerant of loud noises, and did not find most jokes funny. Especially when the jokes were at …

What is Progressive Overload? (+How to Do It)


So you want answers to the question, “What is Progressive Overload?

Well my friend, you’ve arrived at the perfect place.

Progressive overload is one of the key principles of strength training, which is why we focus on it extensively with our coaching clients. Today, we’ll share these same principles with you too.

Here’s what we’ll cover today:


So you want answers to the question, “What is Progressive Overload?

Well my friend, you’ve arrived at the perfect place.

Progressive overload is one of the key principles of strength training, which is why we focus on it extensively with our coaching clients. Today, we’ll share these same principles with you too.

Here’s what we’ll cover today:

Life Fitness Further Enhances Connected Fitness Experience With Myzone Integration


Life Fitness Further Enhances Connected Fitness Experience With Myzone Integration
Wed, 03/10/2021 – 13:52


Life Fitness Further Enhances Connected Fitness Experience With Myzone Integration
Wed, 03/10/2021 – 13:52

How I Finally Healed When I Stopped Believing a Diagnosis of Incurable


“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” ~Rumi

The quarantine has felt oddly familiar. That’s because I spent thirteen years largely homebound with a mysterious, viral-like illness. It even started with a cold on a flight back from Asia in 2005.

My nose was an open faucet, and my head felt like the cumulus clouds outside my window. When I returned to San Diego, I was so weak and exhausted, I could hardly get out of bed. My brain and body were on fire.

I couldn’t focus or recall names of coworkers. Although I’d previously been able to fall asleep in action movies and moving vehicles, I suddenly had severe insomnia. I existed in a perpetual state of tired and wired.

I tried desperately to return to my profession as a broadcast journalist. But what goo…


“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” ~Rumi

The quarantine has felt oddly familiar. That’s because I spent thirteen years largely homebound with a mysterious, viral-like illness. It even started with a cold on a flight back from Asia in 2005.

My nose was an open faucet, and my head felt like the cumulus clouds outside my window. When I returned to San Diego, I was so weak and exhausted, I could hardly get out of bed. My brain and body were on fire.

I couldn’t focus or recall names of coworkers. Although I’d previously been able to fall asleep in action movies and moving vehicles, I suddenly had severe insomnia. I existed in a perpetual state of tired and wired.

I tried desperately to return to my profession as a broadcast journalist. But what goo…

3 People Let Us In On Their Pandemic Dating App Strategies


I personally build the best, healthiest relationships when I put my whole self out there. I’m not simply an autistic trans person who lives with mental illnesses like complex PTSD, anxiety, and depression — I’m someone with a great capacity for joy and love. I’m not defined by any one word or experience. Not even “queer” can define or encapsulate me.

I’m obsessed with Carly Rae Jepsen and the Mamma Mia movies, and Taco Bell, and ice skating. I tweet too much. I practice tarot and astrology and never s…


I personally build the best, healthiest relationships when I put my whole self out there. I’m not simply an autistic trans person who lives with mental illnesses like complex PTSD, anxiety, and depression — I’m someone with a great capacity for joy and love. I’m not defined by any one word or experience. Not even “queer” can define or encapsulate me.

I’m obsessed with Carly Rae Jepsen and the Mamma Mia movies, and Taco Bell, and ice skating. I tweet too much. I practice tarot and astrology and never s…

Voice First Technology and Older Adults – Three Years Later


The trumpets sounded loudly at the arrival of Voice First.  The Future of Voice First and Older Adults was published in February of 2018. A re-read shows how excited the 31 interviewees and participants were, offering their vision of the future of this technology and its potential use by older adults. Has the future arrived in the world of seniors, senior housing, home care? Has the future arrived for the technologists who invented Voice First and the broad market of consumers who bought and benefited, from the early days?  Is <a href="…


The trumpets sounded loudly at the arrival of Voice First.  The Future of Voice First and Older Adults was published in February of 2018. A re-read shows how excited the 31 interviewees and participants were, offering their vision of the future of this technology and its potential use by older adults. Has the future arrived in the world of seniors, senior housing, home care? Has the future arrived for the technologists who invented Voice First and the broad market of consumers who bought and benefited, from the early days?  Is <a href="…

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