
Easy Vegan Cheddar Cheese (Spread & Sauce!)


Easy Vegan Cheddar Cheese (Spread & Sauce!)

If you’re dairy-free, vegan, or just trying to cut back on dairy cheese, this is the recipe for you! In our quest to find a quick and easy cheese to make vegan grilled cheese, we crafted this simple, delicious, vegan cheddar cheese spread made with 8 wholesome ingredients.

The best part? It looks and tastes like cheddar cheese! Okay, maybe it doesn’t melt exactly like cheddar cheese, but the flavor and color are there!

<a href="" rel="nofol…


Easy Vegan Cheddar Cheese (Spread & Sauce!)

If you’re dairy-free, vegan, or just trying to cut back on dairy cheese, this is the recipe for you! In our quest to find a quick and easy cheese to make vegan grilled cheese, we crafted this simple, delicious, vegan cheddar cheese spread made with 8 wholesome ingredients.

The best part? It looks and tastes like cheddar cheese! Okay, maybe it doesn’t melt exactly like cheddar cheese, but the flavor and color are there!

<a href="" rel="nofol…

Conscious Escapism: The Benefits of a Spiritual Cheat Day


“The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom… You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” ~William Blake

Many people discover spirituality through suffering. I found the path due to years of depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Part of the awakening process is identifying behaviors, traits, habits, or thoughts that don’t serve you. As your behavior changes, so does your diet. Not just what you eat, but everything you consume, including what you listen to, watch, read, and pay attention to.

Orthorexia is the term given to an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. This sounds like a paradox, as a healthy diet improves overall health. However, there’s a tipping point—eating well can become …


“The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom… You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” ~William Blake

Many people discover spirituality through suffering. I found the path due to years of depression, anxiety, and psychosis. Part of the awakening process is identifying behaviors, traits, habits, or thoughts that don’t serve you. As your behavior changes, so does your diet. Not just what you eat, but everything you consume, including what you listen to, watch, read, and pay attention to.

Orthorexia is the term given to an unhealthy focus on eating in a healthy way. This sounds like a paradox, as a healthy diet improves overall health. However, there’s a tipping point—eating well can become …

POV: You Need TikTok Tortilla Hack Inspo


tiktok tortilla hack
Illustration by Wenzdai Figueroa

Few things are more satisfying than eating something that is both delicious and handheld. No fuss, no muss, no extra silverware to wash. I think this is why we collectively gravitated toward that viral TikTok tortilla hack trend (credited to have started with this video in late December 2020). 

The TikTok tortilla hack is simple: A different ingredient is placed in each quadrant of a flour tortilla with a slit cut down the middle of the tortilla, but only half way. (That’s the radius, for you math peeps.) Then t…


tiktok tortilla hack
Illustration by Wenzdai Figueroa

Few things are more satisfying than eating something that is both delicious and handheld. No fuss, no muss, no extra silverware to wash. I think this is why we collectively gravitated toward that viral TikTok tortilla hack trend (credited to have started with this video in late December 2020). 

The TikTok tortilla hack is simple: A different ingredient is placed in each quadrant of a flour tortilla with a slit cut down the middle of the tortilla, but only half way. (That’s the radius, for you math peeps.) Then t…

On the Aging Adaptive Immune System


An interesting fact about the adaptive immune system: the number of T cells in the body remains much the same across the entire lifespan, even after the supply of new T cells all but ceases in middle age. T cells are created as thymocytes by hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow, and then mature in the thymus. The supply of new cells from the bone marrow is negatively affected by age, while the thymus atrophies, active tissue becoming replaced with fat. Lacking replacements, the T cell population in the body becomes increasingly <a href="…


An interesting fact about the adaptive immune system: the number of T cells in the body remains much the same across the entire lifespan, even after the supply of new T cells all but ceases in middle age. T cells are created as thymocytes by hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow, and then mature in the thymus. The supply of new cells from the bone marrow is negatively affected by age, while the thymus atrophies, active tissue becoming replaced with fat. Lacking replacements, the T cell population in the body becomes increasingly <a href="…

Don’t Fall for a Fake Savings Club


Invited to join “The Circle Game” or a “Blessing Loom”? Don’t fall for these fake savings plans.

The post Don’t Fall for a Fake Savings Club appeared first on Senior Planet.


Invited to join “The Circle Game” or a “Blessing Loom”? Don’t fall for these fake savings plans.

The post Don’t Fall for a Fake Savings Club appeared first on Senior Planet.

Daily journals while living in a locked dementia unit: Days 1 and 2


Reflective journals while temporarily living in an institutional dementia care setting….


Reflective journals while temporarily living in an institutional dementia care setting….

Don’t Overthink Things


You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Missing a workout, or missing a whole week of workouts. Struggling to select appropriate weights for exercises. Having to perform an abbreviated workout because time is limited. Having to work around an injury. Having to modify your workouts due to equipment limitations, or because someone was hogging the only squat rack in the gym. Struggl…


You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

Missing a workout, or missing a whole week of workouts. Struggling to select appropriate weights for exercises. Having to perform an abbreviated workout because time is limited. Having to work around an injury. Having to modify your workouts due to equipment limitations, or because someone was hogging the only squat rack in the gym. Struggl…

Tech-enabled home care 2012-2021 — are we there yet?


The home care market is (still) a booming business opportunity.  Home care of various types now augments and even enhances services that not long ago may have been provided by senior housing. Pre-pandemic forecasts indicate 34% annual job growth from 2019-2029, much faster than average, and demand has no doubt been exacerbated during 2020.  Home care workers are also among the lowest paying and least trained occupations. Frail patients, according to insiders, are increasingly being discharged from hospitals directly to home, bypassing rehab nursing homes. At home, these individuals likely still require assistance with activities of dressing, bathing, medication manage…


The home care market is (still) a booming business opportunity.  Home care of various types now augments and even enhances services that not long ago may have been provided by senior housing. Pre-pandemic forecasts indicate 34% annual job growth from 2019-2029, much faster than average, and demand has no doubt been exacerbated during 2020.  Home care workers are also among the lowest paying and least trained occupations. Frail patients, according to insiders, are increasingly being discharged from hospitals directly to home, bypassing rehab nursing homes. At home, these individuals likely still require assistance with activities of dressing, bathing, medication manage…

Faux Fabulous: DIY Faux Fireplaces to Cozy Up Your Front Room Without Enraging Your Landlord


It’s freezing outside, you’re wrapped up in your warmest sweater with a cup of hot cocoa, but something’s missing… if only you had a cozy fireplace.

But your landlord probably wouldn’t be too happy with you ripping out a wall. And how much do those things cost anyway? Ugh, idea’s out of the picture then. Ah well, there’s always the Netflix fireplace.

Can I still build a faux fireplace if I rent?


Faux fireplaces are a perfect way to add a little warmth and coziness in your home.

Best of all, they can be made freestanding and easily movable to avoid any clashes with your landlord on move-out day.

Wait, what? You could build your own faux fireplace? And impress your friends w…


It’s freezing outside, you’re wrapped up in your warmest sweater with a cup of hot cocoa, but something’s missing… if only you had a cozy fireplace.

But your landlord probably wouldn’t be too happy with you ripping out a wall. And how much do those things cost anyway? Ugh, idea’s out of the picture then. Ah well, there’s always the Netflix fireplace.

Can I still build a faux fireplace if I rent?


Faux fireplaces are a perfect way to add a little warmth and coziness in your home.

Best of all, they can be made freestanding and easily movable to avoid any clashes with your landlord on move-out day.

Wait, what? You could build your own faux fireplace? And impress your friends w…

Creating Impact When You’re Overwhelmed


By Leo Babauta

Our lives can be chaotic and overwhelming, and we can feel like we’re struggling to stay afloat. We feel behind, stressed, distracted, undisciplined, unworthy.

And in the middle of all of this, we want to do our meaningful work.

We want to create an impact.

How can we find focus and create some kind of meaningful impact in the face of this chaos and overwhelm?

I’m not here to claim it’s easy. I face it every day. But what I am here to say is that it’s possible. In fact, not only is it possible, it’s amazing — it feels even more meaningful because of the difficulty of doing it in chaos and uncertainty.

I manage to do it almost every day (some days I take a rest!) — and more than that, there are people in my programs that inspire me with what they’re able to accomplish in lives that can feel like they&…


By Leo Babauta

Our lives can be chaotic and overwhelming, and we can feel like we’re struggling to stay afloat. We feel behind, stressed, distracted, undisciplined, unworthy.

And in the middle of all of this, we want to do our meaningful work.

We want to create an impact.

How can we find focus and create some kind of meaningful impact in the face of this chaos and overwhelm?

I’m not here to claim it’s easy. I face it every day. But what I am here to say is that it’s possible. In fact, not only is it possible, it’s amazing — it feels even more meaningful because of the difficulty of doing it in chaos and uncertainty.

I manage to do it almost every day (some days I take a rest!) — and more than that, there are people in my programs that inspire me with what they’re able to accomplish in lives that can feel like they&…

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