Age-related muscle wasting and cognitive decline linked


by Blake Alec Miranda.

We’re all familiar with the concept that with ageing comes a gradual loss of bone density and reduced size and strength of our muscles.

Some loss of muscle and bone density is normal, but losing too much leads to frailty and increased risk of injury.

We’re also familiar with the idea that ageing is associated with cognitive decline – a gradual loss of memory and slowed ‘thinking’ and reaction times.

But here’s an idea that may be new: cognitive decline and muscle loss may be linked.

Understanding how muscle loss and cognition influence one another is crucial towards pinpointing the mechanisms that underlie both dementia and the muscle-wasting disease of ageing, sarcopenia.

The mus…


by Blake Alec Miranda.

We’re all familiar with the concept that with ageing comes a gradual loss of bone density and reduced size and strength of our muscles.

Some loss of muscle and bone density is normal, but losing too much leads to frailty and increased risk of injury.

We’re also familiar with the idea that ageing is associated with cognitive decline – a gradual loss of memory and slowed ‘thinking’ and reaction times.

But here’s an idea that may be new: cognitive decline and muscle loss may be linked.

Understanding how muscle loss and cognition influence one another is crucial towards pinpointing the mechanisms that underlie both dementia and the muscle-wasting disease of ageing, sarcopenia.

The mus…

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