Percentiling at NIA: sometimes we do. And sometimes we don’t.


Why do some grant applications receive a percentile rank and others not? Applications for an NIA grant that are reviewed at the NIH Center for Scientific Review, or CSR, get a percentile rank. Applications for an NIA grant that are reviewed at the National Institute on Aging, through review panels organized by our NIA scientific review staff, do not receive percentile ranks. If an application is reviewed by NIA, we give it a priority score, not a percentile. This includes the R01s and investigator-initiated research grant applications that are reviewed at NIA. But this seems inconsistent! Either this means that we at NIA are crazy (which many have claimed) or that the use of percentiling needs explaining….


Why do some grant applications receive a percentile rank and others not? Applications for an NIA grant that are reviewed at the NIH Center for Scientific Review, or CSR, get a percentile rank. Applications for an NIA grant that are reviewed at the National Institute on Aging, through review panels organized by our NIA scientific review staff, do not receive percentile ranks. If an application is reviewed by NIA, we give it a priority score, not a percentile. This includes the R01s and investigator-initiated research grant applications that are reviewed at NIA. But this seems inconsistent! Either this means that we at NIA are crazy (which many have claimed) or that the use of percentiling needs explaining….

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