Personalize brain health and enhancement combining new imaging methods and human/ artificial intelligence


What kind of one-time or ongoing brain assessments can help pinpoint individual needs, and what role will intelligent assistants, human coaches and experts play in offering and supporting personalized care?

  • Chair: Nikhil Sriraman, IP Analyst at SharpBrains
  • Margaret Moore, Co-Founder of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital
  • Ruth Poliakine Baruchi, CEO of MyndYou</…


What kind of one-time or ongoing brain assessments can help pinpoint individual needs, and what role will intelligent assistants, human coaches and experts play in offering and supporting personalized care?

  • Chair: Nikhil Sriraman, IP Analyst at SharpBrains
  • Margaret Moore, Co-Founder of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital
  • Ruth Poliakine Baruchi, CEO of MyndYou</…

    What Do You Think?


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