Reading Emotions Through Computer Interfaces


Emotions have evolved in humans for the sole purpose of survival. We constantly scan our environment for dangers and chances to satisfy our fundamental needs. Our mind and bodies act in concert through our emotions. What we feel has become so integral to our lives that our perceptions, beliefs and even the initiative to take action depend on it. The most important influence of human emotions is its vital role in establishing communication with other human beings, most especially our loved ones.

Currently, we have progressed to live in a world of advanced digital technology. We thrive in a world wherein we may spend more time communicating through our gadgets than in person. Although communication has become very convenient and advanced, the drawback is that we have become rather disconnected to one another. Because of this, we are beginning to live in a world that is devoid of em…


Emotions have evolved in humans for the sole purpose of survival. We constantly scan our environment for dangers and chances to satisfy our fundamental needs. Our mind and bodies act in concert through our emotions. What we feel has become so integral to our lives that our perceptions, beliefs and even the initiative to take action depend on it. The most important influence of human emotions is its vital role in establishing communication with other human beings, most especially our loved ones.

Currently, we have progressed to live in a world of advanced digital technology. We thrive in a world wherein we may spend more time communicating through our gadgets than in person. Although communication has become very convenient and advanced, the drawback is that we have become rather disconnected to one another. Because of this, we are beginning to live in a world that is devoid of em…

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