My sister Rose first got in touch with the Alzheimer’s Association about three years ago on behalf of our mother. Since then, and the organization and local chapter has helped my family in so many ways. Today we give back by once again participating in The Longest Day, a sunrise-to-sunset event that symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers.
Years ago, when Rose and I first talked about how we could raise money for the cause, we decided to organize a motorcycle “poker run.” We ride our motorcycles to specific checkpoints and draw a playing card at each one, the object being to have the best pok…
My sister Rose first got in touch with the Alzheimer’s Association about three years ago on behalf of our mother. Since then, and the organization and local chapter has helped my family in so many ways. Today we give back by once again participating in The Longest Day, a sunrise-to-sunset event that symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers.
Years ago, when Rose and I first talked about how we could raise money for the cause, we decided to organize a motorcycle “poker run.” We ride our motorcycles to specific checkpoints and draw a playing card at each one, the object being to have the best pok…
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