The NeuroGeneration and Humankind’s Quest to Enhance the Brain


Some people may be uneasy with the idea of “brain enhancement,” but the quest to boost our brainpower is nothing new; it is an essential part of human nature. Ever since Homo sapiens emerged nearly 200,000 years ago, we have been searching for ways to upgrade the hardware and wetware in our heads, and we’ve been creating and using tools to help us do it—physical and cognitive tools that help us solve problems and complete tasks more efficiently, tools that extend our natural abilities and allow us to do things that weren’t possible before. …


Some people may be uneasy with the idea of “brain enhancement,” but the quest to boost our brainpower is nothing new; it is an essential part of human nature. Ever since Homo sapiens emerged nearly 200,000 years ago, we have been searching for ways to upgrade the hardware and wetware in our heads, and we’ve been creating and using tools to help us do it—physical and cognitive tools that help us solve problems and complete tasks more efficiently, tools that extend our natural abilities and allow us to do things that weren’t possible before. …

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