I mentioned in an earlier post that I had volunteered for an NIH committee looking at ways to reduce the average age of investigators funded on R01s. With the help of Rene Etcheberrigaray and Chuck Dumais from the Center for Scientific Review (thanks, guys), I pored over a lot of data on applications from investigators in different cohorts. I found some distinctive cohort patterns when we sorted submissions by years elapsed since the investigators obtained a Ph.D….
I mentioned in an earlier post that I had volunteered for an NIH committee looking at ways to reduce the average age of investigators funded on R01s. With the help of Rene Etcheberrigaray and Chuck Dumais from the Center for Scientific Review (thanks, guys), I pored over a lot of data on applications from investigators in different cohorts. I found some distinctive cohort patterns when we sorted submissions by years elapsed since the investigators obtained a Ph.D….
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