Three facts about teenage brains all neuroscientists agree on.


The three facts about the teenage brain scholars can agree on

1. Brain structures continue to change between childhood and adulthood. Grey matter volume peaks at puberty then declines throughout adolescence and into the twenties. White matter volume increases throughout childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.

2. Girls’ brains mature slightly faster than boys’. But boys catch up. This sex difference in brain development is in sync with physical development where, on average, girls enter puberty a year or two before boys, who then quickly catch up.

3. Different brain regions mature…


The three facts about the teenage brain scholars can agree on

1. Brain structures continue to change between childhood and adulthood. Grey matter volume peaks at puberty then declines throughout adolescence and into the twenties. White matter volume increases throughout childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.

2. Girls’ brains mature slightly faster than boys’. But boys catch up. This sex difference in brain development is in sync with physical development where, on average, girls enter puberty a year or two before boys, who then quickly catch up.

3. Different brain regions mature…

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